Example sentences of "should [be] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It should be a warning to them that if they 're really serious about fighting drug abuse , they need to step in and take a leading role .
2 ‘ Our experience should be a warning to all couples thinking of doing what we did .
3 The sad death of Mr Stevenson should be a warning to everyone .
4 If there should be a call to briefing and Rob was n't there …
5 At the same time , however , it should have a weighty feel and there should be a plumpness to the leather .
6 It is , however , a puzzle to me why this should be a surprise to anyone , or should even require exhaustive research .
7 Such a new source of workers should be a godsend to the harassed manager who favours volunteers but finds the short hours of the traditional volunteer a nuisance .
8 Tickets , at £5 and £10 , are available on the door tonight , and they should be a passport to a cracking ten-bout night 's boxing , with a heavy Teesside emphasis , as the North East division champions meet the Yorkshire and Humberside holders .
9 They should be a coach to everybody around them . ’
10 The Slovenes , therefore , proposed that the existing foreign exchange allocation system should be abandoned , and that there should be a return to the previous system of retention ratios .
11 He did not maintain that there should be a return to the precise conditions of the primitive Church , but rather that the Church of England 's belief and practice were compatible with them .
12 The Labour party document states that there should be a return to the old system and to the valuation of properties that was carried out in 1973 .
13 There should be a remit to The Beechgrove Garden to fix Easter , based on the normal optimum weekend for planting tatties .
14 And Souness believes that should be a prelude to a return to senior action as a substitute in the televised game against Queen 's Park Rangers at Loftus Road on November 23 .
15 George said : ‘ I think this should be a lesson to directors who give themselves massive pay rises .
16 Susan Ingram of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said Stuart 's accident should be a lesson to all parents .
17 The fact they get paid so much should be a bonus to them .
18 The words of the prisoner , deprived of freedom and many material goods , should be a challenge to all of us in the church today .
19 When considering our relationships with Europe , will the Minister explain to the CBI why agreeing to a social charter which gives protection to the young employed , gives equal status to part-time workers and sets decent standards for maternity leave should be a barrier to prosperity , given the experience of France and of Germany ?
20 ‘ This should be a signal to the world community to take decisive action for Bosnia .
21 Make cut flowers last longer using this new gadget from the USA , an underwater stem-cutter that should be a boon to all flower arrangers and flower lovers alike .
22 Legal representation may be counterproductive , unnecessary or overcumbersome in cases where a matter must be speedily resolved , and hence the courts have resisted claims that there should be a right to such representation .
23 What I do n't wa , I know it 's handy sometimes you think , ah that covers a lot of things for me and you may have come across something yourself I 'll the there is a key , there should be a key to those things in my cupboard , those lifelines things not the same as cha , I 've got all sorts of ideas that you might pick out and say right we can use that as a lesson you might even just say well sod copyright I 'm gon na photocopy that and I 'll use it !
24 Of course , such a leaflet should be a supplement to , and not a substitute for , a one-to-one preparatory discussion between patient and doctor , and may be inappropriate for less straightforward procedures .
25 When will the Government realise that enlargement will not be acceptable just as a slogan for the Tory re-election campaign , but that it means saying now , and clearly , that the EFTA countries are needed in the Community and that early membership for central and eastern European countries , according to realisable targets , should be a priority to which we are committed ?
26 ‘ But there should be an addendum to it .
27 She feels that a period in research should be an asset to a nurse 's cv , rather than being regarded as time off from ‘ real ’ nursing .
28 This is an excellent database of medical knowledge that should be an asset to any household or office .
29 There is no reason why management should be an exception to the rule : bad frequently breeds worse .
30 Katell Keineg is a marvellous talent , sadly misplaced by her last record company , someone who can and should be an exception to all the Irish acts who make one dowdy album that does n't sell .
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