Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , the policy of successive British Governments has been that we should make and announce a decision formally ‘ recognising ’ the new government .
2 Altering the structure does not necessarily tackle practices and the more fundamental issues of how the media should treat and explain the complexity of contemporary social problems or how they should act in the face of the increasing ability of governments and other authorities to control and manipulate information .
3 It is not difficult to see why in unplanned discourses speakers interested in successful communication should modify or correct the interpretation of utterances they have already made .
4 And there 's guidance on what you should eat and drink the moment you cross that line .
5 Since reduced pressure also slows the metabolic rate , it too should slow and lengthen a creature 's biological career .
6 All Leeds can do at the moment is keep winning the games we should win and clock the away victories , so that when the Uniteds of this world come along we wo n't be psyched out of beating them .
7 Section 39 is not itself a legislative provision , so the issue is whether Parliament intended by the legislation conferring such powers on the Bank of England that a section 39 notice should revoke or vary an injunction , or permit a party subject to the injunction to act in apparent breach thereof without attracting the sanctions of contempt of court .
8 Really , one should buy and read the book itself instead of reading about it . ’
9 If the child is in police protection the authority should consider whether to ask the police to apply for an EPO on its behalf ( s47(3) ( c ) and see Chapter 13 , 1(d) ) .
10 The program guides you through six of the most important questions you should consider when buying a PC :
11 I thought you should know and keep an eye on her . ’
12 And Coun John Cresswell ( Lib Dem ) said the council should wait and build a more solid building for £15,000 .
13 One thesis I am arguing for claims that authoritative reasons are pre-emptive : the fact that an authority requires performance of an action is a reason for its performance which is not to be added to all other relevant reasons when assessing what to do , but should exclude and take the place of some of them .
14 Preparation of candidates for the exams should deploy and extend the intellectual abilities that caused them to be recruited .
15 Since they wish to live in this country , they should study and understand the situation and support the Scottish people 's national aspirations .
16 Two bands are used just in case one should break and let the beetles escape .
17 The least that the Government should do when designing the legislation is to address the needs of women bus users .
18 If insurance is to be sought , the vendor should identify and contact the insurers as early as possible in the negotiations as they will need sufficient time to review the draft documentation and consider the vendor 's requirements .
19 So , I think that was one of the strands in the course of Resources ' decision , that er , we should look and cast the net around again , just to see if there were any way of erm , of finding this six hundred and seventy one thousand without damage to the fabric of services .
20 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
21 If choreographers are to justify their reasons for creating a ballet , they should use or create a style of movement appropriate to and expressive of the characters in the story being told and their moods , emotions and actions .
22 If I start at the top with the user interface , then clearly we should use or employ a graphical user interface .
23 As it seems to me , in principle a covenant by a third party guaranteeing the performance by the tenant of his obligations should touch and concern the reversion as much as do the tenants ' covenants themselves .
24 Punctuation should clarify and organise the essay , not be seen as a hindrance or unnecessary .
25 It is only right that we should analyse and debate the internal workings of the trade and its infrastructure , but let us not forget who pays our wages — the consumer .
26 The proposition has always been that a peace-keeping force should enforce and keep a ceasefire which already existed .
27 Mr Scott 's second suggestion , b ) , that the Garden should create and staff a new post of Computer Manager , was felt to be unnecessary at present , since the Computer Support Officer is the person who will be carrying out most of the tasks outlined by Mr Scott .
28 It seemed that they should stop and follow the sight of the two young boys , but it was too late they had been and they had gone and now only a disturbance was left behind .
29 Thus , if a driver is faced with Red ( Y ) , Amber ( Y ) and Green ( Y ) , the first column indicates that the driver should stop and call the police .
30 I trust all parties in this house will unite , not only in believing in local government but in agreeing that local government should set and maintain the highest possible standards of conduct when spending the very substantial sums of money parliament votes to it .
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