Example sentences of "may have [vb pp] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You do realise , ’ I added , ‘ that the lady prioress may have connived at Irvine 's death but the murderer must be one of our party from Royston ?
2 He may have worked at King 's in 1476–85 and was certainly at the college by 1486 .
3 Hugo 's figure style in the Bible derives from the art of the Alexis Master [ q.v. ] , who may have worked at Bury during his career .
4 Gregory may have laughed at Chilperic 's attempts at apeing the culture of the Roman past , and despised him for them , but circuses were integral to the political culture of the later Roman Empire , and its Byzantine successor : the hippodrome was central to the court ritual of Constantinople .
5 His gardening career may have started at Amesbury House , the property of Sir William Seymour , later second Duke of Hertford and second Duke of Somerset [ q.v . ] .
6 At a number of places his landscaping was contemporaneous with work on the house by Samuel or James Wyatt [ q.v. ] , a professional association that may have started at Kedleston .
7 Whas probably belonged to the Benedictine abbey of Sherborne , for which the Missal was made , and Siferwas may have resided at Sherborne while decorating the manuscript .
8 This man may have fought at Flodden but he is not King James .
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