Example sentences of "may have be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 This third section of the annual submission should be concerned with notification of any changes in the development plan which may have been decided as a result of progress and experience in the early years .
2 Later Western mystics remained isolated from the mainstream in their cloisters and , though they may have been regarded as saints , they and their particular religious ideals remained a minority form of Western Christianity .
3 It may be that the temples , through their bureaucracy , were able to set quotas on production in the rural villages ; these may have been specified taxes , or tribute , or they may have been expressed as required offerings .
4 Some may have been worn as earrings .
5 People such as these may have been enslaved as a result of capture in war or through failure to meet legal obligations ; the scale of the practice is unclear ( Davies 1982 , p. 66 ; Sawyer 1978 , p. 173 ) .
6 Also to early Christians the story may have been seen as an anticipation of the Last Supper .
7 Women may have been seen as valuables by which means weaker groups would try to marry their girls ‘ upwards ’ in the creation of alliances , resulting in the occasional movement of ornamental metalwork some distance from the regions where they are most commonly found , the core area of a social grouping .
8 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
9 The chevauchèe may have been seen as a challenge to the enemy 's pride and ability to defend his territory , but it is doubtful whether the leader of a chevauchèe , often at the head of but a few thousand men , and needing to make the expedition profitable through the taking of booty and prisoners , was seeking battle .
10 The act may have been intended as a " final measure " by those who wished to steady things , but the flow of politics is rarely so easily contained by the comma of a constitutional concession .
11 Korda may have been touted as a gifted player , but he was hardly a household name .
12 The high incidence of vessels compared with dishes may , as Evison suggests ( ibid. ) , imply that they arrived as containers of oil or wine ; the crude workmanship of some examples may emphasise that the contents were more important than the packaging , even though they may have been viewed as valuable objects in some secondary function .
13 Although this policy may have been viewed as a ‘ reasonable ’ intervention in the free market for private housing , there might in any case have been problems of enforcement of restrictions on resale .
14 Sidney Lee in his life of Shakespeare , 1908 edition , attributes his accurate use of legal terms to observation of his father 's legal battles and early association with members of the Inns of Court and there is also a suggestion that on his arrival in London he may have been employed as a clerk for a lawyer .
15 The indications are that the site may have been started as a small unpre-tentious building .
16 It may have been heralded as a strategic disaster , but the Manchester-Sheffield electric route via Woodhead tunnel slipped quietly into oblivion , due ceremony avoided because of the public puzzlement that a heavy freight route should be axed only twenty-five years after complete modernisation .
17 On what may have been chosen as an auspicious day , 4 July 1927 , Sukarno founded his own party , known as Partai Nasional Indonesia ( PNI ) or Persatuan Nasional Indonesia ( Indonesian National Unity ) .
18 After an efficient counter-attack , which may have been instigated as a ruse , the attacker can move in on another area of his target , one that may be wide open for an effective technique .
19 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
20 Containers are strongly associated with male-rich graves , while perforated spoons found in a few female graves may have been used as strainers in connection with the serving of drink .
21 Spiro at one time had extensive dealings in the Middle East and , according to reports , may have been used as a go-between for the CIA and MI6 during the hostage negotiations in the Lebanon .
22 Spiro at one time had extensive dealings in the Middle East and , according to reports , may have been used as a go-between for the CIA and MI6 during the hostage negotiations in the Lebanon .
23 THE Premier League may have been billed as a whole new ball game , but for the smaller clubs the survival struggle is the same as ever .
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