Example sentences of "may be [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If anything , the most common strategy by far seems to be to abandon the thematic organization of the source text in favour of adhering to whatever word-order principles may be operating in the target language .
2 You may be fumbling in the dark — both literally and metaphorically -but you might as well know what it is you might find !
3 The era of the passive media consumer — or ‘ couch potato ’ — may be drawing to a close if they discoveries of the ingenious Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are any indication .
4 One possibility that 's emerged from that research , is that mercury vapour from gold burning may be combining with the ash and the other products of combustion the forest , to produce an even more toxic ingredient in a lethal brew .
5 Planners will need to investigate and attempt to quantify the numbers of dementia sufferers they may be considering within the planning period .
6 Moreover , on some occasions ( and the present scenario could well be one ) the economic and social pressures may be pushing in the same direction as educational forces .
7 Staff in this store in Abingdon may be preaching to the converted .
8 ‘ We may be looking at a racial motive , but there is no doubt they were copying the other carjackings . ’
9 ‘ To think I may be looking at the last of the Corbetts . ’
10 Or he may be looking for a particular foodplant , or flower for nectar , searching for a special smell or a particular electromagnetic emission .
11 They may have no religious beliefs , or may be looking for a much simpler ceremony .
12 BROOKE SHIELDS , who is not being offered many good roles since outgrowing her curvaceous teens , may be looking for a new career as a film critic .
13 Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information ; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach .
14 And here for example you might have the recreational mind , healthy mind and body the existential , the person who as much as anything may be looking for an experience based on meditation , er religion , this sort of thing .
15 The subtle , instinctive mind pattern of an insect may be looking for the particular infrared , pheromone emission which signifies the presence of his lady-love .
16 The older person may be looking to the therapist or social worker to replace some earlier loss , such as a daughter , son , sibling or spouse , and will appreciate a sharing of feeling or experience much more .
17 While the students compete for honours within their class , the teacher may be looking to the class as a whole , competing with other teachers ' classes , to bring him esteem and promotion .
18 What Gandhi may be suggesting by the statement that the road one takes is unimportant provided the goal is achieved is that too much importance can be attached to particular religions , especially when it might result in exclusivist claims being made on behalf of those religions .
19 This isolation may be damaging to the manager .
20 Here , anything that threatens the superego tends to be destructive ; and we can readily see that the externalization of conflict , although defensive for the ego , may be damaging for the culture because the effect of the externalization is to make the culture the locus of the conflict .
21 And he may be marching into a trap with a right hand that needed surgery on it three fights ago to enable him to continue in boxing .
22 ONE QUARTER of people living in Scotland may be living on the breadline according to figures released by the Labour party yesterday .
23 The other major story this month concerns the surveying of Loch Ness which titillatingly talks about the discovery of ‘ new species ’ Not necessarily Nessie however , but various small invertebrate worms which may be living in the extraordinarily deep loch .
24 Furthermore , we have not dealt clearly enough with the position of those students who may be living in the same property as their landlord .
25 The salesperson 's voice may be competing for the buyers ' attention with the flashing lights and noise of the equipment .
26 THE RESUMPTION of nuclear tests by France at the Mururoa atoll in the Pacific , last month , has renewed fears that plutonium and other pollutants from past tests may be spreading throughout the Polynesian islands .
27 The Convention text emphasises the source of the document , and the capacity in which the person concerned is acting ; a notary may be acting as a public officer or as the agent of a private party , and only in the former case will the Convention apply to documents issued by him .
28 However , they also suggest that while this study can be used to support the view that university residence tends to reduce the probability of non-completion , the possibility that the residence factor may be acting as a proxy for other university characteristics , can not be dismissed ) .
29 This link with the President has given rise to speculation that Mr Morrison may be acting as a pathfinder to the appointment of a special envoy .
30 The critic here may be acting as an exhibition organiser or co-ordinator , critical decisions being mainly limited to selection .
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