Example sentences of "may be [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 That doctrine of notice has got into the Common Law in one or two places , e.g. in the law about the sale of goods in market overt , and in the law of negotiable instruments ; but , broadly speaking , whenever you have got rights which depend upon notice , you may be pretty sure that you are in the sphere of Equity .
2 But feminists may be well aware that , in calling God Father , it is not intended to say that God literally has sexuality , while yet wanting to maintain that this is problematic .
3 It may be generally true that the natural language use which constitutes the goal of learning is realized by a focus on meaning rather than form , and is a matter of top-down rather than bottom-up processing , but the process of arriving at that goal , the development of the authenticating ability , calls for an effective internalization of form and capability of analysis which will allow for their use across a wide and unpredictable range of different contexts .
4 Although this sounds as if it might be extremely uncomfortable , the cervix , like the vagina , is surprisingly poorly supplied with sensory nerve-endings , and a relaxed patient may be totally unaware that any samples are being taken from this site .
5 Unless you are actually underwater , you may be dimly aware that music is playing poolside .
6 There is even a suggestion that rewards which are routine and expected may be more motivating that the ones given only for extra special effort .
7 So much material may be readily available that some staff can feel that a little bit would not be missed .
8 It may be highly critical that the actual language will be completely different in the register .
9 The light may be so poor that I can hardly see anything at all anyway .
10 A patient may be so anxious that he can not begin to act in a way which would resolve his problems .
11 The danger is , of course , that the price may be so low that the business fails to generate sufficient revenue to cover its operating and/or capital costs .
12 The lack of clarity may be so total that it is comparatively meaningless to seek to identify a policy or to study its implementation .
13 The June exhibition may be so successful that the Hermitage would consider showing some of its own trophy collection alongside the one from Bremen .
14 Old galvanised iron rising main and cold feed pipes can usually be removed with Stillsons ; a metal overflow pipe may be so rusted that the only answer is to cut it off .
15 Eventually it may be so long that it reaches the other side of the gap and becomes entangled in a leaf or a twig .
16 Then allow the particles to move apart in such a way that the combined wave function does not change even though the distance between the particles may be so great that there is no longer any possibility of mutual interaction : in principle this could be many kilometres .
17 An acute effect of alcohol on the brain is that memory functions may be so disrupted that they temporarily fail altogether and this results in a " blankout " , as previously described .
18 In arid climates there is generally insufficient surface water , whereas in periglacial regimes frost action may be so effective that solutional forms have little time to develop .
19 Repairs are expected to costs hundreds of millions of dollars , and French scientists have admitted that damage to some reactors may be so serious that they will have to be closed on safety grounds .
20 You may hurt yourself when you hit the ground , or your opponent may be so close that he or she can hit you immediately .
21 As dawn breaks and your testosterone level lifts naturally to begin the day , the memories of the banquet if provided last night may be so powerful that you can hardly wait to begin again .
22 Indeed , competition may be so fierce that pricing is based on a Contribution basis , that is , covering variable costs and only a proportion of the business ' fixed costs .
23 In addition , the charge may be so all-embracing that it confers on the chargee as a matter of fact the exclusive right to supply the debtor company with credit .
24 Severe pain , muscle seizure and heart failure may end in rapid death ; or the pain may be so intense that the victim is unable to swim and drowns .
25 Further , on some small computers the subsidiary information field to specify a rich set of jump conditions may be so large that there is no room in the instruction for a jump address field .
26 With some organisations , the various subsystems may be so large that the boundary might be defined around accounts or personnel .
27 Occasionally a gelding , or even a mare , may be so aggressive that there is a real possibility of it seriously injuring another horse , especially if there are shelter sheds another horse can be trapped in , although for some horses even the corner of the paddock is enough .
28 Some of these symptoms may be so extreme that the psychotic quality of the condition is clearly evident .
29 Gardens , said Gertrude Jekyll , ‘ may either be fashioned into a dream of beauty , a place of perfect rest and refreshment of the mind and body — a series of soul-satisfying pictures … or they may be so misused that everything is jarring and displeasing .
30 In some cases , the handicap may be so severe that the fullest possible efforts may not be taken to prolong the life of the afflicted child , and this has given rise to much public concern about medical ethics .
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