Example sentences of "how [adv] she [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If Labour won , however , he could not say how long she would continue to suffer , since the practice 's funds would be transferred to the local health authority and some sort of delay-inducing chaos would ensue .
2 Rain worried how long she would bear the bruises , whether it would still be cold enough in London for her to wear high-necked sweaters when she got back .
3 Dr Peter Brunt was seeing the Queen Mother this morning , when he would determine how long she would remain in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary .
4 After a job which had taken up all of her energies , Elaine did n't realise how long she would need to do all the jobs she had been putting off for years .
5 She did not know how long she would have to carry the child , or when it would be born ; she had no one to ask except Mrs Seager , who was still insistent that they go soon .
6 Thinking about the bars and wire mesh of her cage , and of how long she would have to be there , he nearly gave up the job there and then .
7 She wondered how long she would have to keep it up before she could stop convicting herself of hypocrisy .
8 How long she would have stared into his beautiful cool eyes before he chose to release her she 'd never know , because at that moment the band struck into the opening bars of ‘ If you knew Suzie ’ , demanding her attention as with an exclamation of pleased surprise she half turned to watch them , her mouth curling into a spontaneous smile .
9 She was not sure how long she had been there , or how long she might have remained , had she not been disturbed .
10 It was not yet decided how long she should go for .
11 She recalled that as a young girl she 'd often sucked slowly at a big lollipop to see how long she could make it last .
12 She was n't sure really how long she could keep it up — since after all , he was most probably here to stay …
13 She was n't too sure how long she could keep this up .
14 See how long she can do it for .
15 It was not until she saw the colour of the light — deep warm gold — that she realised how long she must have been asleep and looked at her watch .
16 Little did she realise how soon she 'd need to exercise her new skills .
17 Fenella took a deep breath and I noticed for the first time just how impressively she could breathe .
18 Poor Madame , I thought , how deeply she must resent my usurping her place .
19 Telling a man the simple truth could reduce him to a wreck , so that , on the whole , she held her punches and her tongue , knowing how deeply she could wound .
20 Who could tell how far she would go ?
21 That Emilia makes the speech suggests that Leapor at this point in her career is uncertain of how far she can press the argument .
22 Sally lived in a happy whirl marred only by worrying about how far she should go .
23 It had been so self-evident to Dalgliesh that the squad would need a senior woman detective that he had devoted his energy to choosing the right one , rather than to speculating how well she would fit into the team .
24 So , to test how well she can see , a baby is shown a plain grey card and a black and white striped one ; the patterned one will grab her attention .
25 How well she could keep control and use words and manipulate their meanings and score points .
26 When I see a woman in a long , tight , pencil skirt and high heels tottering down the road , I often wonder how fast she could run if chased .
27 She had no idea of course how frequently she might bump into Ven in the short while in which she shared his suite .
28 ‘ Quite honestly , Rosemary , he 's not so good , ’ Leith answered , hating to put any pressure on her friend but not knowing how else she could answer .
29 He could remember what a flurry Martha Pritchett used to get into when Lady Debrace stopped in for a cup of tea , and how afterwards she would tell them proudly how her ladyship had sat down and chatted as if she were no grander than Nurse Wilks !
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