Example sentences of "how [adj] it must [be] " in BNC.

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1 How painful it must be , mademoiselle , to be constantly right . ’
2 Imagine how sad it must be , if you want babies and ca n't have them . ’
3 How terrible it must be for her to attend this service for Mrs Wright whose baby had survived and while the Padre was speaking the Collector accompanied his words with a silent , sympathetic prayer for Mrs Bennett : " O God , whose ways are hidden and thy works most wonderful , who makest nothing in vain , and lovest all that thou hast made , Comfort this thy servant whose heart is sore smitten and oppressed … " but the rest of the prayer was no longer in his mind , stolen no doubt by the foxes of despair that continued to raid his beliefs … in any case , it faded into a mournful reverie in which he sought an explanation for the death of Mrs Bennett 's child .
4 How useful it must be , she thought , to have all this information on tap .
5 Every parent knows how desperate it must be to lose their child . ’
6 I know how difficult it must be .
7 Oh how wonderful it must be to be an indie musician !
8 How wonderful it must be to be a great artist like Mr Beaumont or a musician like Mr Fergus or even a teacher like half the church .
9 How wonderful it must be to live in a community where everyone trusts their neighbours and even strangers ; a community where you can invite outsiders into your house , garden or car , and share hospitality and friendship without any fear of danger .
10 I used to wonder just what the kestrel was looking at , what it was thinking , and I 'd imagine how wonderful it must be to be suspended in mid-air , looking down on the Earth as it was .
11 I vaguely remember dreaming about Verity 's jeans that night ; how graphically , geographically tight they were and how wonderful it must be to take them off her .
12 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
13 How wonderful it must be never to doubt yourself ! ’ she jeered and turned her back on him , fixing her hair into a loose plait with hands that held a faint tremble .
14 The emotional response shows how upsetting it must be for some , but private nursing homes provide good quality care , better than we can provide and cheaper than we can provide .
15 He 'd had Ribena with ice in it himself , and he could remember now , quite distinctly , thinking how horrible it must be for Kate , not to have a father , nor ever to have an occasion like this .
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