Example sentences of "how [adj] it [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Your otherwise excellent cover version album was sadly marred by a long speech detailing how annoying it is that the price of eggs has gone up in Narodny-Karabakh .
2 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
3 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
4 In the lift to his floor he thought how odd it was that taking a firm stand should make him feel so bad-tempered .
5 How refreshing it is that this year 's number one is Whitney Houston 's I Will Always Love You .
6 She then proceeds to whinge about how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
7 We lead her back towards the Odeon Mezzanine and break the ice by saying interestingly how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
8 How strange it is that the Danish ‘ No ’ vote does not count , while the narrow French ‘ Yes ’ vote does .
9 As she stared into her mother 's horrified face it came to her how strange it was that she had never liked her mother , because her mother had never liked her .
10 ‘ Bartholomew the Englishman wrote a famous treatise in which he remarked how strange it was that people chose bridges as their place to die . ’
11 But what Mario liked to talk about most often — aside from the intricacies of the sport , its management and its personalities , all of whom fascinated him , and its machines , which absorbed much of his mind — was his past , his ‘ folks ’ , his kids , his life and how funny it was that he should have wound up where he was .
12 ‘ Now that we know British food is just about the worst in the world , ’ says Jonathon Porritt , director of Friends of the Earth UK , ‘ how ironic it is that we and other rich nations are exporting fat and sugar to starving people in Africa and Asia .
13 When you come to think about it , how amazing it is that a singer whose recording career lasted only seven years ( where Decca is concerned ) could produce enough material to fill ten CDs even allowing for the addition of much off-the-air material , and excluding Das Lied von der Erde , the Klemperer Kindertotenlieder and Mahler 's Second , and Brahms 's Liebesliederwalzer , the last three just issued on three further discs in Decca 's Historic series .
14 Make a comment on stage even , for Christ 's sake , about how sad it is that we 're staring down the barrel of a gun at a fuck of a lot of young corpses , widowed wives and fatherless children ?
15 Make a comment on stage even , for Christ 's sake , about how sad it is that we 're staring down the barrel of a gun at a fuck of a lot of young corpses , widowed wives and fatherless children ?
16 The feeling of fear had subsided somewhat and I remembered looking into the rubble-strewn backyards and thinking how sad it was that they were now in ruin , as last time I was at the station they were occupied .
17 ‘ People say how sad it was that he had no relationships .
18 How fortunate it is that enthusiasts such as Col. Savill have accumulated a wealth of material illustrating the railway scene .
19 Jennie explained how crucial it is that a rider can use his aids independently of each other .
20 A Wrexham Maelor Council spokeswoman said the importance of grant aid in securing the project underlined how crucial it was that the borough retain its assisted-area status , now under review by the Government .
21 Grey breath in the air , snowmen on the heath , pub bores droning on about how typical it is that a few inches of snow throws the whole country into chaos when the Swiss handle metres of the stuff without missing a beat .
22 The method concerns itself both with what the underlying unit actually is , and also with how likely it is that we are observing a real effect rather than some random one .
23 how likely it is that you personally will be affected by the cutbacks ;
24 If Joseph gave him an exhibition it could make a huge difference to Leary 's reputation , yet she wondered how likely it was that Joseph would help him .
25 But I was in a foul temper , and Rebecca had n't made it any easier by going on about missing papers , and how urgent it was that we had them back . ’
26 One person commented that when the local MP came to talk to his disability group he told them how good it was that they ‘ got on their own feet and did things ’ — which did n't go down too well with the wheelchair users .
27 How unlucky it is that my good master is not at hoe .
28 And the thing is , I did n't think to myself how terrible it is that people have to live those lives .
29 How terrible it was that here were she and Brian , possessed of every material advantage , subconsciously blaming each other for something they either had or did not have .
30 And then , when he was about eighteen , reality of another kind intruded itself and he said aloud , ‘ I did n't do it for Alice , I did it for myself ’ , and thought how extraordinary it was that it had taken four years to discover that fact .
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