Example sentences of "her up [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 're here and she 's there , after all I was on the point of signing off when Selina started telling me , in accents of alarmingly genuine arousal , about this rich new boyfriend of hers , this transatlantic moneyman , how he took her to hotels and dressed her up and fucked her on the floor like a dog .
2 Even so , though , since she still did n't want Travis 's car outside when he came to pick her up and bring her back , she added , ‘ I 'll come in my car — where shall I meet you ? ’
3 The blast had picked her up and dropped her a couple of metres along the ridge .
4 Jezrael felt the Company 's muscle-men pick her up and cart her away .
5 They had to be good — not just good but sensational — or she would let everyone down , all those who believed in her — her small workforce of pattern cutters and outworkers , the friends from art school who dropped in to lend their help and support , and most of all her mother , who had put her house up as collateral for the bank loan that had set her up and enabled her to get started .
6 Just a frail little thing , was n't she , the wind could have picked her up and tossed her away , yet she had demolished him as surely as if she had wielded a pick-axe handle to his belly .
7 Then , before she could struggle , before she could even unravel her wildly mixed reactions , Guy broke the kiss and , with one smooth movement , picked her up and tossed her on to the bed .
8 For answer Penry picked her up and tossed her into the bed , stripped off his dressing-gown and turned out the light .
9 And then , the following Monday I 'd like to talk to you if you can to pick her up and take her home .
10 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
11 People bought her lunch and rang her up and sent her birthday cards ; it seemed a particularly cruel joke that one of the few people who really did dislike her should be married to her .
12 Oh yes when the war started yes , you , you see the people would have been called up into the forces anyway people young enough to fly , who , who had an interest , because er one of the air displays I remember very much a tomboy as she was she they used to give pleasure flights and she had defied this pilot to take her up and make her sick , and he was took her up there looping rolling and everything and er
13 Then when he 'd done with her he 'd screw her up and throw her away .
14 I mean , we could ring her up and ask her .
15 The creche staff did a fine job of picking her up and delivering her back to our chalet , so by the second week we decided to take her skiing with us .
16 I thought all your neighbours would have phoned her up and told her .
17 When Dot began to stumble and fall over with tiredness , Gloria gathered her up and carried her too .
18 Just as Angel was about to leap on her , Luke picked her up and carried her yelling into the house .
19 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
20 He strode to her , picked her up and carried her to the bed .
21 He picked her up and carried her into the front room .
22 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
23 He picked her up and carried her to the stairs .
24 He picked her up and carried her upstairs .
25 His mouth brushed her lips and Robyn felt the strength of his arms as he scooped her up and carried her through the doorway .
26 He had picked her up and carried her from the flames .
27 ‘ You 're wet , ’ he said at last , and picked her up and carried her into his bedroom .
28 Things happened as they must have happened , only in fact it was Rufus who had picked her up and brought her back to Wyvis Hall .
29 she stuck the kid in the back of the car and put the grocery in and she picked her up and brought her into the front seat , ti , tied her in and and the the , the , the , this thing was coming about
30 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
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