Example sentences of "her as she [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Two years later , when the scandal peaked and middle-aged mobs shouted abuse at her as she sped away in large cars , it seemed less outraged morality they were proclaiming than outrage at being left behind in the 1950s .
2 She seemed the same as ever as she closed in on him with that unfortunate overbearing manner , except that today there was an almost wild look about her as she burst out , ‘ I felt I had to come , Freddie .
3 He frowned down at her as she lay back self-consciously against the pillows .
4 Then suddenly everyone was no longer concerned for her as she lay there , but for another woman ; a tiny fierce woman whose fault it had all not been and Lisa 's gigantic , striding power melted into softness , soppy for the baby .
5 Kathleen had always rushed for the post , even in the days when their father had laughed at her eagerness and stood above her as she scooped up the white and brown envelopes .
6 Sendei knelt down beside her as she fiddled about inside the hatch .
7 She dropped the keys into her bag and straightened up , a small cry escaping her as she walked straight into a large solid body .
8 A remote , cool air enveloped her that caused more than one man to think twice about approaching her as she walked slowly down the length of the hall .
9 ‘ You can take that out on to the veranda if you like , ’ Tom Russell told her as she reached out to touch its polished arm-rest .
10 An icy chill went through her as she looked up into his face , and she forced herself to answer calmly , ‘ What on earth are you talking about ?
11 Relief and anger swept through her as she looked up into the familiar dark , scowling face .
12 His face was non-committal , and Kate felt suddenly shy because of the wave of lust that swept over her as she looked back at his unshaven cheeks .
13 A pang of regret lanced through her as she recognised how little she still knew of Suzie 's innermost feelings .
14 For all the week that Timothy Gedge had been tormenting them it had n't once occurred to her , which surprised her as she prayed now .
15 I slide sideways from her as she sits up , grabbing at me to stop me moving away .
16 Affectionately they watched her as she ambled back to the others , kicking fallen leaves in front of her as she went .
17 Introduce Brenda who 's going to speak to us on Make do and Mend and she 's asked me to say that she 'd be very pleased if people break in or erm sort of form some sort of dialogue with her as she goes along .
18 People automatically look at her as she passes by .
19 She said nothing more and Jenna sat down to her breakfast , but as she glanced across at Marguerite , who was busy at the cooker , she saw tears standing in the dark eyes and guilt rushed over her as she realised why .
20 Sick humiliation choked her as she realised how naïvely self-satisfied she had been , and her spirits sank .
21 She brushed past Penry , eluding the hand he put out to detain her as she ran outside to the car , deaf to his entreaties as she jumped in the car and started it up with a violent rev of the engine .
22 ‘ We will have lunch at the Castillo de Santa Catalina , ’ he stated firmly , glancing at her as she tightened up .
23 Suddenly she was grasped from behind and the sky swam all around her as she fell heavily to the ground , landing with Fernando half across her .
24 He opened the car door for her , hugged her as she got out , and they went up to her flat , his arm round her shoulders .
25 He rushed up to her as she got out of the Roller , took her right hand and thrust it into his beard .
26 I followed her as she waddled out of the library .
27 ‘ What in the devil 's name is that ? ’ he demanded , following her as she crossed quickly to the gate and moved out into the grounds .
28 Despair choked her as she waited tensely for him to join her .
29 Lucien watched her as she gathered up the sticks .
30 He looked at her as she came in .
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