Example sentences of "her that [pers pn] [was/were] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A discreet tap on the door reminded her that they were not alone , thank the saints .
2 The captain had told her that they were now off Porto , and that within a few days they would be entering the Tagus .
3 With a foreboding which Harriet had experienced more than once in her life , something told her that they were in for trouble .
4 Even the way he looked at them was enough to assure her that they were way down on the social scale .
5 Formal education was shelved , which was a relief , because the unctuous kind of diligence expected of her at school had convinced her that she was both stupid and sinful .
6 Ruth had n't the heart to tell her that she was n't welcome in it .
7 It was as if a fall lay within her that she was n't able to make .
8 He had already told her that she was n't his type .
9 She watched as he stretched out his towel alongside her , and it did n't escape her that she was n't the only female on the beach who found him attractive .
10 Juliet tried to reassure her that she was n't any worse than yesterday , and that had to be a good sign .
11 She wished she was n't offended that he did n't rush to assure her that she was n't that bad a waitress .
12 She was tempted to stop and pry , but common sense reminded her that she was n't interested in Dr Miguel Rafaelo , and it would do no good to show curiosity .
13 But today had shown her that she was n't immune to normal natural feelings , and even her imaginery passion for the handsome singer had n't protected her from this very real and very frightening feeling of genuine affection .
14 There was nothing wrong with her that she was not born like .
15 It was clear to the crush of admirers which pressed around her that she was not at her best .
16 It was all Harriet could do not to confront her , have the whole thing out , tell her that she was not prepared to put up with such behaviour any longer , that she might be a war widow with a child , but she was living in her mother 's house and should at least not take such care and help for granted .
17 Louise would not have made an unsuccessful marriage in the first place , and she supposed her marriage must be unsuccessful , because Edward had told her that she was not a woman .
18 Maybe this was his little way of reminding her that she was not really his type of woman .
19 Some gentle lovemaking on this first occasion to prove to her that she was not repulsive to him because of what had happened to her , and that all men were not brutes , was in order .
20 Doreen 's eyes continued to dart from one to the other ; then she made an attempt to put Lucy in her place by reminding her that she was merely a member of the staff .
21 ‘ A concession he obviously exercised to the full , ’ she contented herself with murmuring instead , her eyes dancing with amusement as she enjoyed his discomfort , a feeling of relief pervading her that she was about to locate Suzie at last .
22 Anne worried that Sarah would be upset , but she assured her that she was perfectly happy , and certainly seemed so .
23 It was lucky for her that she was so busy just then , as she had little time to think during the day , and at night she was so tired that she fell asleep directly she got into bed .
24 And the little Springbok insisted : ‘ When McColgan broke her field in Japan , it 's a good job for her that I was n't there .
25 Standing up , I assured her that I was n't drunk but tired and that I thought it was time for me to walk her home .
26 I wanted to tell her that I was just such a silly creature and could n't believe that I would ever be warm again .
27 They all assured her that he was probably a multi-millionaire .
28 But soon after his marriage to Margaret Cairns White in 1937 , he told her that he was not British but American .
29 But being married to him had taught her that he was not a man who found it easy to forgive and forget — indeed , she was tempted to think that he enjoyed harbouring grudges and taking revenge .
30 He 'd once tried to explain to her that he was n't popular , that people did n't like him , but she would n't have it , so he 'd given up .
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