Example sentences of "her to [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The nurse who had been looking after Julie escorted her to theatre and stayed with her until she had been introduced to the theatre nurse .
2 She was settled for the night ; Clare had put her to bed and given her a mug of warm milk and two sleeping tablets .
3 But before she could continue , he was brushing past her roughtly , almost causing her to stagger and stumble back down the steps .
4 On learning that the child carried his genes , might he take her to court and attempt to gain custody ?
5 Ken took Apricot with him on gigs for a time and quite enjoyed it , but found getting her to school and organizing her clothes and meals onerous .
6 Michael went with her to meetings and joined her when she worked for the Liberal cause because it was the next best thing to Labour .
7 She was almost abject with gratitude to Drew who 'd insisted she use his Land-Rover as her base , and who 'd come up specially that morning to invite her to lunch and to watch the match with him and Sukey .
8 They 're here and she 's there , after all I was on the point of signing off when Selina started telling me , in accents of alarmingly genuine arousal , about this rich new boyfriend of hers , this transatlantic moneyman , how he took her to hotels and dressed her up and fucked her on the floor like a dog .
9 In April 1865 , after months of hesitation , Agnes Jones decided that God had called her to Liverpool and agreed to become matron of the Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary at Brownlow Hill .
10 Can you meet that train , escort her to Heathrow and sort it all out ?
11 The actress playing in the Western abandons her cowboy lover for the comic after he promises to take her to Hollywood and put her name up in lights , but the scandal that follows wrecks her career .
12 There 'd been ever more frequent occasions , when he took her to dances and held her in his arms , that he had once more become acutely aware of her in a physical sense .
13 The Crown say her car was pushed into the water after her husband had battered her to death and locked her in the boot .
14 She sat there for a long time rocking backwards and forwards and giving herself up to howling , letting her gasps for breath shake her to pieces and leave her shuddering .
15 He drove her to Burford and showed her the site of the car crash . ’
16 You have awakened her to passion and taken her virginity .
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