Example sentences of "her [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , Hyacinth was thinking about Wullie Robertson who , to her great surprise , had said he would pick her up from the Hospitality Inn after dinner , and take her on to the Young Conservatives Ball .
2 Then one of them held her , threw her on to the dry dirt road and started to undo his belt .
3 She was n't looking forward to it , which is a little surprising for a 16 year old who , just 3 years ago , combined all the elements of her talent to produce the compound which exploded her on to the junior tennis scene !
4 Someone had laid out knee-high duckboards to cross the snow , and Lucenzo shot out an imperious hand to help her on to the low platform .
5 So now you want to unload her on to the wretched Miss Plimsoll in the top form where she will cause even more chaos ? ’
6 Eager for the haven of her hotel room , Luce allowed Michele to help her on to the deserted fondamenta .
7 Indeed it had been the combination of Rowthorne 's suggestion and her fury over the pin-up issue which saw her on to the editorial board .
8 She , they should of put her in for the intermediate
9 I decided the only thing to do was throw her in at the deep end and go right down the village high street , where the roads were busiest and noisiest with holiday-makers , and simply stand there trying to calm her down .
10 Back at the office , Schellenberg changed into a light grey flannel suit in the bathroom , speaking through the other door to Ilse Huber as he dressed , filling her in on the whole business .
11 He steered her in between the other villagers with fierce concentration .
12 ‘ Good morning , Mrs Wooldridge , ’ said Mrs Deacon , letting her in by the back door .
13 You held her down for the other one .
14 She was hit and caught fire while going in to attack at low level and her pilot Don MacIntyre brought her down on the frozen surface of nearby Lake Hocklingen .
15 Michele caught her and , carrying her back into the living-room , put her down on the long couch .
16 This strange , remote , eagle creature , whose body was bathed in incandescence from the fire , except that it was not quite the fire ; whose eyes were dark with passion , and whose arms , strong and safe , were enveloping her , and laying her down on the thick fur rugs before the fire …
17 No , Caroline thought , as she let him lead her down to the ancient ground , no , it had n't .
18 We had returned our robes to Messrs Ede & Ravenscroft and followed her down to the huge marquee which had been erected opposite University House .
19 Its crassness repelled her but it slid inside her because she recognized it as her name and suddenly there was a dark pit , a chasm , a void , and the gravity of being dragged her down into the dark heart of weight .
20 A tallish hummock loomed , and he pulled her down into the wet grass behind it .
21 Then he sprang , bearing her down into the trampled snow only a few paces from Yet 's body .
22 Little Chef tracked her down in the pink dusk at the bottom of the garden , with her arms round an apple tree , sobbing her heart out .
23 When he had dumped their two canvas bags on the ground , he reached up again to help her down from the high train .
24 This time he did n't throw her down with a fury but gently laid her down among the downy pillows and started to strip off his shirt .
25 Lorimer grinned and beckoned her over to the long windows .
26 Gary got up , took Paula by the arm and led her over to the low sofa .
27 She felt them lift her and take her over to the low stone wall beside the glimmering field of water-chestnuts .
28 I towed her over to the muddy shore and flung her aboard Flupper .
29 Still gripping her wrist , he led her over to the French windows .
30 He kept hold of her hand once the music had ended and lead her over to the french windows .
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