Example sentences of "her [vb infin] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( I thought this very over-optimistic on her part but let her persist in the delusion . )
2 God give you great care if you should her spare for the time that you are with her .
3 Let her hang with the rest ? ’
4 And we let her know from the start that we trusted her .
5 She remembered the time only three days previously when the Senior Scientific Officer of the instrument section bad let her look into the giant scanning electron microscope and watch the image of a minute pill of putty burst instantaneously into an exotic incandescent flower .
6 He had to touch her arm to make her look at the programme .
7 Clare felt her grip on the situation slipping .
8 He would have to let her recover from the shock before contacting her .
9 To get back at Jo for not letting her go to the theatre with her , Amy has burned the book which Jo has written .
10 Rachaela had not offered her anything to drink , and let her go to the door unaided , pulling on her ridiculous gloves , until she looked like a parody of a bear .
11 Surely they could n't just let her go at the end of the three years ?
12 She made to push blindly past him , and to her vague surprise he stood back slowly , and let her pass into the hall , his eyes shuttered , his mouth grim .
13 I had to plead with you to let her come to the party , ’ Mother said .
14 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
15 Do you hear her get off the bed then ?
16 But he refused to let her get near the subject .
17 Well no let her sit at the front now Christine do n't be
18 And TODAY really did show her the way home by persuading Captain Nick Fletcher to let her sit in the cockpit with him .
19 Why could n't Joe let her sit in the fireside armchair in the living-room so that she 'd at least have company ?
20 British Rail used to let her travel in the guard 's van , but has now changed its rules .
21 She tried to get him to let her check in the bar first .
22 I could n't turn my head , but I could smell her , feel her breath on the back of my neck .
23 Ruth could never understand Charlotte 's unwillingness to let her help with the baby .
24 Rhoda had to give up work , and no sickness benefit was available since Ken had never let her succumb to the system and pay national insurance .
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