Example sentences of "because they [vb base] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Winter maintains , ‘ People find it much harder to move back into child care after a period in adult care because they tend to be consumed with either the Children Act or community care legislation .
2 In contrast , forms of self-evaluation can be located towards the ‘ soft ’ pole because they tend to be internal , informal , descriptive , process-orientated and holistic in their mode of assessment .
3 Politically , the judicial conception of the public interest tends to embrace the promotion of certain views normally associated with the Conservative Party and there is a greater likelihood that Labour Governments will encounter challenges through the courts if only because they tend to be more interventionist and to challenge the status quo .
4 The processes entailed in referral and admission are less accessible at the Delphi Centre because they tend to be concentrated in the hands of Roger himself ; decisions are often made instantaneously , without consultation and frequently in the course of a telephone conversation .
5 And the free market system does n't protect them because they tend to be too poor or too old for health insurance cover .
6 Milla also said she steered away from romance with actors and models ‘ because they try to be prettier than me ’ .
7 They are willing to do so because they expect to be paid back , and because they expect to profit from the transaction through the interest they charge on the loan — it would be a strange world if they did n't !
8 They are willing to do so because they expect to be paid back and because they expect to profit from the transaction through the interest they charge on the loan — it would be a strange world if they did n't !
9 Young children may lay claim to possession just because they happen to be playing with , say , a car or doll .
10 Why should they be financially penalized because they happen to be sick or disabled ?
11 In all seriousness , I ask the Government not to deride the strong arguments for a local income tax just because they happen to be advanced by what they call minority parties .
12 One does n't want them to sort of follow it blindly , of course , one wants them to discuss it carefully , very carefully , but it has to sort of fit into the ongoing life of the institution and not be a kind of little game that someone is playing on their own somewhere because they happen to be linked with the university or doing a degree or something .
13 It implied that most of today 's lone mothers are single because they choose to be .
14 And they come because they want to be rid of their fear : it gives them a completely new feeling of life to overcome their fear and come here . ’
15 They would n't be keen on anyone with psychological quirks — like an entrenched hatred of men , for instance , or someone who is adopting a child merely because they want to be loved by a child .
16 These are sacrifices by any standards but they have not made them because they want to be heroes .
17 They decided , according to this writer , to bring up their babies alone because they want to be independent and manage their lives without a man .
18 The French are still in planemaking because they want to be .
19 It was pointed out during the workshop that women have always been flexible in terms of employment , but because they have to be rather than because they want to be .
20 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
21 Because these books continue to exist , and because they continue to be read , the tradition continues .
22 Cars supplied for hire or purchase can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual , but the types of adaptation that can be made to hire cars is more restricted because they have to be returned to the general market at the end of the hire period .
23 Although the ballets mentioned are very different in style , quality and content , they have several things in common because they have to be theatrically viable .
24 Some people carry on and live it 24 hours a day because they have to be that person all the time and at that time , it was n't like you played a gig , finished the gig and then had a very private life until the next gig .
25 They 're under a lot of pressure because they have to be on air 24 hours .
26 Clearly , I am focusing on the idea that it is the residues of bad experiences that lurk as bad objects in our psyche that cause us so much trouble because they have to be avoided at all costs and so rarely get modified by experience .
27 Actually , what you 'll find is that working mothers are extremely efficient because they have to be . ’
28 It was pointed out during the workshop that women have always been flexible in terms of employment , but because they have to be rather than because they want to be .
29 all because they have to be read , I
30 no why there strong because they need to be , they need
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