Example sentences of "because they [vb past] that it " in BNC.

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1 The Greeks distrusted this theology , even though they had a deep respect for Augustine , because they thought that it was too anthropomorphic .
2 Mr Morrison says that he took on the job ‘ because they said that it would be difficult but it had to be done and that 's what appealed to me ’ .
3 I expect that everyone came to church here , this evening because they knew that it was a communion Sunday , and the sacrament of Holy Communion would be celebrated here this evening .
4 There was one , but the Austrians had it reduced in size because they believed that it might be used as an observation tower by the recalcitrant Milanese .
5 By and large , those who approved of conscription when it came did so because they believed that it was everyone 's duty to serve in the armed forces in any case .
6 Followers of the shotokai style broke away from the parent group of shotokan because they believed that it was deviating from the traditional teachings laid down by Funakoshi .
7 These industrialists welcomed foreign capital , because they felt that it stimulated economic activity in general , from which they could all benefit ( Petras and Cook 1973 ) .
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