Example sentences of "because they [vb past] that the " in BNC.

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1 The deliberations irritated both groups a little because they realised that the gap is growing between those who run computers and those who do n't .
2 The authorities sometimes turned down applications for butcher 's licences because they feared that the presence of such establishments would lead to increases in cattle stealing .
3 As they watched the towering ships sail forth his advisors were dismayed because they feared that the despatch of such a force would leave Ulthuan almost defenceless .
4 Pollution expert Michael Bradley said that oil companies were " all of a sudden doing some very amazing refinements to gasoline " , because they feared that the substitution of alternatives such as methanol would be made compulsory .
5 It is probably a more accurate reflection of the truth , because of the likelihood that at least some of those who said ‘ yes ’ did so because they thought that the answer was expected of them .
6 And I think erm the article itself erm s says in , in the , the first part it , it seems to be written in a very sort of erm very pro-peasant style , it 's like a justification of things that are happening , he s says that the reasons for the , the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changchun were saying erm that the , that the Party , that the revolutionary authorities had , had taken wrong measures because they thought that the reasons for these movements were , were otherwise and these we they were considered detrimental so they had to change these , these er original wrong meas measures to benefit the future of the revolution .
7 It seems possible that people located hostility in groups because they knew that the others , their opponents , would expect reprisals from any members of the group they opposed .
8 The British administrators were patient because they knew that the whole of the Masai respect for them lay in
9 Indeed , some went so far as to ‘ play dumb ’ when they were with male students because they knew that the men did n't like clever women .
10 For the first time , a public debate began over whether doctors , in consultation with parents , had the right to terminate life because they believed that the life concerned was not worth the living .
11 But in fact they stopped well short of this principle , because they believed that the peculiar organization of meaning in poetry led back in the end to the ‘ real ’ world .
12 All major opposition parties boycotted local elections in November 1990 because they believed that the results would be rigged .
13 The architects duly made economies , although they were dismayed that these had to include the reduction to a dwarf wall of the high wall intended for the street side of the car park because they felt that the omission of a high wall at this point would detract from the character of Rotherhithe Street .
14 She could not offer advice as a grandmother , despite her long experience of children ; and now her own children had ceased to confide in her ‘ because they felt that the time had come when I ought to be ‘ spared ’ every possible worry .
15 During the Yorkist period there were undoubtedly some movements of popular discontent ; in 1471 the Essex men seem to have joined Fauconberg 's attack on London because they felt that the citizens were paying insufficient prices for dairy supplies .
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