Example sentences of "because it [is] [v-ing] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Precisely because it is seeking to bring some awareness of spirituality to those mostly brought up in a spiritual desert , great care is needed to avoid conveying misleading impressions .
2 My Warwick is currently being serviced by a luthier in Holbury who tells me that the truss rod needs replacing because it is beginning to shear .
3 A report by the Social Security Research Consortium calls for the discretionary Social Fund to be abandoned because it is failing to help those who most need it .
4 It is going to have a great deal of influence on the future of Unix because it is going to influence , for example , how we spend our money on research and development . ’
5 Kant thinks , for example , that one who breaks a promise , because it is going to land him in personal difficulties to keep it , can not will that everyone would break their promises in these circumstances , for the situation in which no one kept promises which it turned out in the least difficult or vexatious to keep is an impossibility .
6 The army itself seems unsure of this proposition , perhaps because it is waiting to see who is most likely to meet its wage bill : many soldiers have not been paid for months .
7 ‘ As I understand it , a cartel is illegal because it 's trying to impose a monopoly on the market .
8 So an optimistic note for the pub trade , but a pessimistic one for Oxfordshire 's only two-man brewery , because it 's struggling to survive against tough competition from the major breweries and the are concerned that the Government proposals to shake up the brewing industry wo n't really help them .
9 Because it 's going to taint it .
10 I do n't want a discussion about this because it 's going to engender more problems than it will solve . ’
11 Because it 's going to finish one of those days it 's going to be
12 As I mentioned previously , my , my accountant said , drop this , because it 's going to put me in all sorts of problems with my taxation and things .
13 Last week for instance , we had somebody out on the motorway interviewing the site workers , but we also want to hear from people in the local communities , around Banbury , around Bicester , and found out what they feel about the motorway , because it 's going to have an enormous impact on the area .
14 You know cancel any of your big debts because it 's going to help your budgeting if you know that you 've got rid of a lot of er
15 Because it 's going to raise your government P A , P R because there is absolutely nobody left in in local authority housing who 's able to pay it because they 'll all be on housing benefit .
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