Example sentences of "because we can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Contrary to rumours circulating in the area , the Cambrian News is not in financial difficulties , and we are simply placing the contract for printing the paper elsewhere because we can not justify an investment of around 2m ( pounds ) for new machinery to go tabloid and bring in colour , ’ said Mr Read , whose great grandfather established the company in Aberystwyth in 1890 .
2 There are few examples of the last two phases , primarily because we can not specify unambiguously the user problem to be solved — beyond very simple situations .
3 So , in order to avoid what we believe is hurting others , we end up hurting ourselves , with the final result that because we can not do what we want , we grow bitter and resentful .
4 He wrote to Rohde in 1868 , encouraging his friend to follow suit : " we must do it simply because we can not do anything else … [ but ] … for our part let us see to it that young philologists are brought up with the necessary scepticism , free from pedantry and the over-valuation of their profession , and behave as genuine promoters of humanistic studies .
5 Thus , at night , urine flow would be low because we can not drink when we are asleep , and in the daytime our kidneys would respond to an increased fluid intake .
6 This is because we can not observe how many baby universes exist out there , waiting to join onto our region of the universe .
7 The true moral seems to be that a choice is difficult not because we can not decide which is the better but because we can not bear to give up the one that has not been chosen .
8 But as a use of language , as an utterance , presented like this in isolation , it is quite incomprehensible , because we can not attach any meaning to it .
9 The true moral seems to be that a choice is difficult not because we can not decide which is the better but because we can not bear to give up the one that has not been chosen .
10 It is not worth our while because we can not redeem them for as much as they would get for five- or 10-dollar bills . ’
11 At a very humble level , the bee can see in the ultraviolet , which is invisible to us : we would be tempted to say that the ultraviolet was not light , because we can not see it , but as far as the bee is concerned it most certainly is !
12 It is necessary because we can not see the mental and the behavioural as related in a non-contingent way .
13 There is no escape and the tragedy is that the exchange rate mechanism — which the present aggressive , decisive Prime Minister bullied the hapless , shrinking right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) into entering all those months ago , forcing it on her against her will in such a decisive fashion — precludes recovery , because we can not reduce interest rates .
14 But because we can not escape history it also seems either naive or even wicked .
15 Many species are having to be brought into captivity merely as an emergency measure because we can not act fast enough , or effectively enough , in the wild and we do not know enough about most plants and animals to conserve them .
16 Because we can not question their authors , autobiographies can be tantalizingly elusive : but in compensation , what they omit or include is in itself evidence of the attitudes of the writers and of the readers they had in mind .
17 The intended contrast is between repudiating science because we can not understand how to bring it into harmony with an antecedently given substantive conception of reality , and rejecting our most general scientific theories because they are constantly surprised by experience .
18 We get angry because we can not understand , because people do n't get better or have changed .
19 People on television often behave as though they are interacting with us ; they look at the camera and address themselves to us , and though this seems to be a fiction , because we can not interrupt or contradict , still we can switch off or over , and TV programmes are influenced by viewers ' letters and ratings .
20 But once we use Christian values to complete it , it renders the system logically inconsistent ; because we can not introduce Christian values on a piecemeal basis .
21 We can not check this independently by re-examining the original one , not because we can not re-examine the original one but because everything we can do in the way of a re-examination is just doing again what we have already done in thinking of the new sensation as relevantly similar to the old one .
22 We have given it up , partly because we can not afford all the exercise tests and partly because we believe that once you know the patient has got ischaemic heart disease , which he has by definition if he has had an infarct , that the exercise test on a beta blocker is as useful prognostically .
23 Contractors will reluctantly say , ’ No , we simply can not do your work because we can not afford to be out of the money for that period . ’
24 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
25 In trying to persuade to move away from arrangements which utilize those bearings we 're effectively trying to do ourselves a favour , because we can not provide those bearings , but we 're not necessarily offering the optimum engineering solution , or maybe even the total cost solution in certain applications
26 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
27 It is inevitable because we can not deny what we discover in Scripture .
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