Example sentences of "because [noun prp] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As his mind rambles from the boy to the jersey to Ellen ( who knitted it ) , to the sea and the Borough ( via the fish Grimes is going to get rich by catching ) , back to Ellen and the future life they will never lead because Grimes can not escape his past — as his mind rambles in this way , so the music probes our sympathies by constant allusion back to the variations in the interlude .
2 The man representing the government washed his hands of responsibility , he could do nothing to meet the striker 's demands , he said , because Moscow would n't let him .
3 But hopes of an early offer were dashed yesterday when Peter Bonfield , chairman and chief executive , said the flotation was likely to be later rather than sooner because ICL could not meet the Fujitsu criterion of sustaining a market price of 225p a share .
4 So I left again and lived with this other woman for the next four years , but the relationship was ruined because Marie would n't leave us alone .
5 ‘ We can not do it because Gramm-Rudman-Hollings will not let us ’ has become a familiar refrain .
6 Saunders was sold because Rush would not generate a big fee .
7 She could n't pay for an abortion herself because Nigel wo n't let her have a cheque book or a credit card , let alone any cash .
8 With the help of the East German Robotron computer factory in Dresden the Russians produced a copy called Ryad-I But 20 years later this computer is still not fully in use simply because Russia can not produce enough electrical cable and connectors to link the equipment .
9 Answer guide : In this case Transom has incurred a cost but there is no future benefit because Transom can not sell defective seat belts .
10 However he remains unseen because Sauron can not pierce the shadows he made for his own defence .
11 Because Burun will not go — if it was reconnaissance I think he might , but it is not — and so I can not . ’
12 And because Jed could n't picture the wife who was supposed to have left him , because he had no idea what she looked like , he found himself believing that he was doing a pretty good job .
13 Because Noddy wo n't pay the ransom .
14 Had it not been for Goleniewski 's information , which the court could not be told about , Blake would never have been caught and because Goleniewski could not have given evidence without Blake 's confession he could not have been brought to trial .
15 Rosalba never went to the trysting place , because Caterina could not bring herself to tell her sister about the assignation Tommaso had proposed in the byre .
16 We have to welcome this money because Cleveland ca n't afford to play party politics when opportunities on this scale arise .
17 The wind was against us , but that proved in our favour because Jacklin could n't reach the green in two .
18 If men firmly reject the saving work of God in Jesus , they forfeit the very possibility of rescue , not because God will not have them , but because they say like Satan in Paradise Lost , ‘ Darkness , be thou my light . ’
19 Not surprisingly they noticed the sack of Rome by the Gauls , because Massalia could not overlook such a movement of Celtic populations and because the invaders were a danger to Magna Graecia too , besides being used by Dionysius I as mercenaries .
20 Levins died because Europe could n't compete with the Far East .
21 This is because Britain could not have defended herself in the Cold War order , and the common enemy demanded common action .
22 Because Steve could n't sleep .
23 And even if that did n't happen , even if he listened and said he 'd do something , it would n't be any good because Hepzibah would n't have any part in it .
24 The scene is set with a ‘ Bruit de guerre ’ and an instrumental ‘ Air de triomphe ’ illustrating the account of a battle which the Greeks lose because Achilles will not fight , angry at losing his beloved Briseis at the hand of a fellow Greek .
25 numeracy because Andrew would n't have been testing algebra or things like that , you 'd have just
26 Mind you , all we 'll get is P£200 worth of traffic congestion , because HMG wo n't spend P£35 ( one donkey jacket ) on a high-speed rail link .
27 A MAJOR business safety conference is taking place in Spennymoor next month because Darlington could n't come up with the cash .
28 Subsequent attempts to diversify the economy have foundered not only on corruption and inefficiency , though these have played a part , but because Zambia could not mobilize the funds for new investment , since the growing debt burden took a larger and larger share of the national cake .
29 In the unpublished ‘ Epilogue ’ to that work , we learn that Shadowfax will be saved too , to be taken on the last ship from the Havens to Aman , simply because Gandalf could not bear the parting .
30 The marriage of James 's son James IV to Margaret Tudor , from which the Stewart claim to the English throne derived , came about more because of pressure from Henry VII than from any Scottish enthusiasm ; and the Treaty of Perpetual Peace which accompanied it would last for no more than eleven years , collapsing because James could not sustain his obligations to both France and England when Henry VIII joined the pope 's grotesquely named Holy League against France .
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