Example sentences of "because [pers pn] 've be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Because I 've been given my marching orders , ’ Ellie said more shortly than she 'd intended .
2 Yes , by the way I 'm gon na be able to see Max , I 'll tell you that now because I 've been dragged off to another conference , I 'm actually going down to the , to the rehabilitation workers ' phones
3 And I 'm effectively shut up because I 've been kicked out of my job and a ] so because you do n't seem to have heard a word I 've been saying . ’
4 " I want you to go away , because I 've been told that Timothy is in love with you .
5 Cherry stopped him and said what you doing she said George this old man he 's said I 'm going to give this to the manager like he said because I 've been brought all these trolleys back .
6 ‘ I 've smiled before , because I 've been forced to , and now we 've had three hit singles I 'll smile when I fuckin' want to . ’
7 They never think about it ? but when the day of the lord comes , you shall be like because you 've been born gain in his
8 Because you 've been pushed around so often . ’
9 That has a go , an attack , about everything because you 've been rejected so many times , so many times , and will continue to be rejected when we get the next election that you 're frightened to death to have .
10 ‘ And if you 're too miserable because you 've been deserted , people think you 're a drag and do n't ask you to parties .
11 Understanding , or at least in part , she murmured , ‘ And so , because you 've been hurt , are angry , think I 'm somehow privileged , you want me to be hurt … ’
12 Yeah there 's the price it 's size it 's this product you know the reason we 're phone you because you 've been identified as by the estate agent or medical practice or school as being very suitable and they would very much like you to support this .
13 What I can do is bring you someone now on the line who can tell us exactly why that decision was made and exactly why that money was spent in the way it was because we 've been joined by Councillor John Power .
14 ‘ It shows we 're making an impact , ’ reckons Craig , ‘ because we 've been approached to do the music for a surfing movie , using ‘ Sun Do n't Shine ’ , ‘ Commercial Rain ’ and ‘ Weakness ’ .
15 I mean we all know it , and we all know there 's a lot on this list which are most unpalatable , and they 're only there because we 've been set the task of reaching a particular sum of money , and er , if we had the choice we 'd be going in the reverse direction , and , and adding .
16 On the other hand , I 've got nothing at all against backing the scum.That way , if they lose and the bet does n't come up , you 're still happy anyway because they 've been beaten , and if they are going to win , you might as well make some money out of it .
17 Does it make them any weaker because they 've been adopted by young women who dislike the feminist label or by the ‘ I 'm not a feminist but ’ brigade ?
18 And because they 've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life , they 're aware and starving .
19 Because they 've been split between school , between young classes , my daughter 's been in with the eight year olds .
20 And those who go into the situation with their eyes wide open because they 've been trained how to handle emergencies with calm and confidence .
21 Well I think there is , there are n't many problem with the trained people because they 've been trained in the same areas as oneself and therefore understand what you 're on about .
22 He says it 's going to get bigger and bigger and alot of our pasture land is going to be cannabis plantations and they 're going to be legal ones because they 've been granted licences to possess and grow it .
23 One in six patients in hospital in Britain are there because they 've been made ill by doctors .
24 They 'd be secondhand shoes because they 've been worn for three days .
25 He had an impulse to say , ‘ This is the music of 1988 ; these are our heroes ; that building on the headland is our architecture and I dare not stop my car to help children home because they 've been taught with good reason that a strange man might abduct and rape them . ’
26 Children leaving home because they 've been abused physically or sexually erm or verbally erm the breakdown in the quality of family life has also got something to do with all this business and that has got to be addressed as well , and money wo n't change that .
27 So , we 'll forget all that , and we 'll just assume that what Freud really meant , was that people have sense of guilt because they 've been socialized to have it .
28 Already because they 've been approved by the board .
29 A group of families living beside one of the region 's busiest commuter routes are facing a five-mile detour to get home , because they 've been marooned by roadworks.They say it 's making their lives a misery , and want engineers to make them a special short cut to improve things .
30 Because they 've been pressured into an opinion on one particular aspect of their letter .
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