Example sentences of "because [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
2 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
3 Mr Chairman , I I welcome this opportunity er of of saying just a very brief word about fire service because as a new member I think one of the services that this county has er er is top in is the fire service .
4 That is because as a racing team , Ferrari is like Britain before the Norman Conquest : a bunch of fiefdoms , with all sorts of lesser people shoving against each other for power in a small factory where there is n't any ultimate power to be had : at least not until the Grand Old Man goes .
5 Years later he said being called Boy was a disaster because as an old man of fifty it made him feel a fool .
6 It was difficult , because as an out-and-out openside my style did not always suit their rugby .
7 As far as I 'm concerned personally , I think it 's very , very weak , take it back and re-draft it and allow the employees to be in the control of their own destiny , because after a national fraud and a scandal that 's taken place that we could never trust any employer to carry out a scheme .
8 One can not fly the aircraft ‘ hands off ’ because after a short while it starts to wander off course ’ .
9 CANS of a fish product , manufactured by a Scottish company , have been withdrawn from sale throughout Britain as a precautionary measure because of a possible link with a case of suspected botulism in which a woman was paralysed from the neck down .
10 VAUXHALL are recalling more than 1,000 Vauxhall Senator and Carlton cars built since August because of a possible steering assembly problem .
11 In Reading , Wokingham Road , that route is closed because of a fractured gas main and it 's gon na be closed until about 8 ‘ o clock this evening .
12 The fault came to Rangers ' attention when they were forced to postpone a Premier Division game with Dundee United at Ibrox in December because of a fractured drainage pipe .
13 First , a look ahead to the cup game with Bath on Saturday , which Mike wo n't be able to take part in because of a recent injury .
14 Later metabolic studies of methotrexate revealed that it is virtually without effect in the rabbit because of a metabolic peculiarity .
15 Bond prices have since fallen and yields risen , partly because of inflation worries , but more because of a worldwide liquidity squeeze which has caused bond yields to rise virtually everywhere .
16 Partly because of a worldwide interest in comparative health studies , statistics on health are a major component of UK government publications .
17 At its surface Mercury resembles the Moon : atmosphereless , devoid of volatiles , and still bearing ancient craters because of a long history of geological quiescence .
18 The cardinal points of her compass card were friendship with Great Britain ( partly because of traditional and sentimental reasons and partly because of a long coastline ) and watchfulness towards her neighbours , Austria-Hungary and France .
19 But chimpanzees do not breed well in captivity , partly because of a long pregnancy and childhood , and trapping them in the wild is expensive and wasteful enough to put them at risk of extinction .
20 They 've been told to stay at home because of a one-day strike by staff protesting about redundancies .
21 TRAVELLERS face chaos next week because of a one-day strike called by the biggest rail union .
22 , In the same week as the treaty was signed , the British Antarctic Survey revealed that it was having to cut its scientific research programme because of a budgetary crisis .
23 In the company 's defence , the NRA said that because of a regional water shortage , less water had been used by the plant , at the request of the local water authority .
24 I actually believe that one of the areas where the Catholic Church did a lot of damage , is that because of a celibate clergy this obsession with sex has exaggerated it too much .
25 This was done electively in 10 of the 11 patients because of a prolonged procedure time caused by excessive stone burden or difficult stone extraction .
26 The SRU turned down an invitation because of a packed calendar .
27 They sometimes get impatient with their counterpart , who necessarily has a longer term perspective and can not work fulltime because of a low salary .
28 The Cambridge forecasters had simply observed that up until 1986 there would be a substantial increase in the total number of people wanting work , and not enough new jobs being created , because of a low rate of national economic growth , to match that increase .
29 For example , if you left because of a poor relationship with your boss or poor work performance it is going to put a lot of doubts in the mind of the interviewer if you come straight out with it .
30 In that case the buyer of a new Nissan car had had it for less than three weeks and had made two or three short journeys in it for the purpose of trying it out , before the engine seized up because of a latent manufacturing fault .
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