Example sentences of "because [pron] [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was n't because I saw some guy and said , ‘ Hey , he gets a lot of girls , ’ or I saw some guy and said , ‘ Man , I want to be that guy , ’ because there 's no-one on earth I want to be .
2 It 's not because I had Christian parents , it 's not because I 'd some advantage over you , or you had some advantage over me , it is all of God 's graciousness , it is all of God 's giving !
3 ‘ Simply because I felt some responsibility for you in Bruges , ’ Luke replied evenly .
4 because I want some toast .
5 but I said because you bring some guy , you 'll lend me the room on a Sunday afternoons , up and down
6 I came here because you wanted some PR done .
7 I know Mother would have liked it because she had some experience of one when she was living with Aunt Bessie , over in Stainmore .
8 We have taken it this far because we wanted some justice .
9 Everybody has situations that they are inclined to avoid because they provoke some anxiety .
10 The definitions are , at this early stage of our knowledge of Myrinian culture , valuable in themselves , not only because they reveal something of the inadequacy of our own language , but because they throw some light on to the mysteries of an alien culture .
11 He could n't get my bag back for me , or the other contents , because they had some value — although very little I 'm sure — whereas the letter , having no value at all ( except for me of course ! ) was thrown away .
12 The second issue — the risk that some good payers will be lumped in with bad payers , and treated like them , simply because they share some background characteristics with them — is discussed in chapter 5 , under ‘ Credit scoring ’ .
13 This is normally because they have some fear , conscious or otherwise , about what they will unearth during the course of the treatment .
14 The reason , in my opinion , why many artists call pastel application ‘ painting ’ is because they have some sort of complex when comparing their art to that of the oil painter , which is wrong .
15 And she , Merrill , had jumped to the obvious conclusion that Luke was trying to hide his past association with her cousin because he felt some guilt over the manner of her death .
16 The marshal 's reception of the news was predictably sour , but he refrained from any overt suggestion that Thiercelin had been at fault , possibly because he accepted some share of the blame himself .
17 Where a statement does cause the relevant belief or attitude in a hearer , it is because he has some reason to think the speaker 's beliefs on that topic are likely to be true , or his attitudes ones he is likely to find , on enquiry , reason to share , rather than because the mere words have any great hold over him .
18 The melee was extraordinary , because it took some time for Hunt to realize that he was world champion .
19 Research evidence suggests that old-fashioned formal teaching of grammar had a negligible , or , because it replaced some instruction and practice in composition , even a harmful , effect on the development of original writing .
20 She resented the claim because it raised some barrier between them .
21 The woman wore a dress that seemed very short when I recalled the picture through the next few years : broad shoulders , a straight skirt that hung the way it did — I know now — because it had some rayon in it .
22 ‘ Customers said it was great that we were open because it showed some normality in the town . ’
23 The question is important because it gives some clue as to the likely rise in the long-run house price to income ratio ( because demand for housing has shifted upwards , while supply remains relatively constant ) .
24 Besides , an idea is n't always abandoned because it fails some quality control test .
25 the situa , perhaps it 's worth outlining how Litchfield came to look at the new settlement option , because it has some relevance to York
26 MANY people believe that the Royal Navy is referred to as the Senior Service because it has some sort of superiority to the Army , but the term was not even heard before the 17th Century .
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