Example sentences of "one can [not/n't] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 However , one can not conclude that the committees have a sufficiently important role either :
2 But one can not assume that an everyday ‘ coherent ’ sense of self is readily available .
3 In such circumstances one can not assume that there is a single goal , such as profit maximization , that represents the interests of the firm .
4 From the fact that a mental process does not appear in introspection one can not infer that it does not go on at non-conscious levels of the mind .
5 Although this proposition is unlikely ever to be falsified , nevertheless one can not maintain that it can not in principle be false .
6 P/O Atherton was a very experienced pilot , with a second pilot as navigator , so one can not accept that they could be so far off course as to reach the target thirty minutes later , especially as the fires started in the docks by the bombing raid of Blenheims of 59 Squadron could be seen from many miles away .
7 Although one can not believe that times were good for immigrant artists in the 1950s , a quantity of painting seems to belong to the period , though done a decade or more later .
8 Their performance against Rangers was inexplicable and one can not believe that the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders , which lasted eight hours on the day before the match , with bickerings between cabals of directors over the club 's future , had no effect on the players .
9 The two brothers of Armagnac , count and archbishop , thought Grilly ‘ are so oppressed … that in the end they will be compelled to submit by some contrived method … and one can not believe that they can withstand these afflictions much longer .
10 The old-fashioned objected that it was dangerous to eyesight , and that those who read by candlelight did not need spectacles , but one can not imagine that Jane Austen was among them .
11 However , if people challenge the basic principle of utility one can not say that they are mistaken in any kind of factual way , or that they are necessarily irrational .
12 So one can not say that grapheme-phoneme conversion is the way non-words are read aloud .
13 Let represents permission as non-intervention , i.e. as not obstructing the accomplishment of the event expressed by the infinitive , and so the letting can not be conceived as coming before the event permitted ( indeed one can not say that one has let someone do something until they have actually done it ) .
14 One can not deny that there are real threats to British broadcasting but , at the same time , it would be a mistake to label all threats as a ‘ crisis ’ .
15 But one can not deny that a more scientific decision would have been to try to make the return of the offending plates obligatory , so that only the accurate , authentic figures were permitted circulation .
16 Certainly , one can not argue that all computations carried out by animals must be effected symbolically .
17 One can not establish that this is the case in one case without establishing that it is the case in all like cases .
18 Therefore , one can not claim that there was any potential for real dependence , although Leapor might easily have exchanged flattery for profit in the circumstances .
19 He is all the better as a witness , since one can not doubt that he genuinely sought instruction .
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