Example sentences of "one can [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A new mole around an existing one can also mean trouble .
2 There are two main methods of measuring costs : one can either include only public expenditure costs , or one can also include opportunity costs .
3 One can easily produce evidence at the present day of great local abundance ( e.g. of starfish or pilchards ) , but I know of nothing on a modern sea-floor to compare with the abundance plus wide distribution of the examples just mentioned .
4 One can either see externalization as undoing this process and therefore no longer serving the ego in its defensive purpose , or one can see the psychotic remodelling of reality which occurs , for instance , in hallucination , as an all-too-successful externalization .
5 No one can really do business on 40 quid a week .
6 After all , one can only make peace with one 's enemies .
7 He told him committee last week that staff at Coed Glas were in a difficult situation and ‘ one can only have sympathy with them ’ .
8 The book wastes no time in stressing in its first paragraph the medical hazards of climbing these mountains , on which one can rapidly gain height up the accessible tourist routes to altitudes high enough to cause acute mountain sickness .
9 One can merely draw attention to the problem here , for local arrangements were complex and varied .
10 One can therefore detect gamma ray bursts by looking for flashes of light in the night sky .
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