Example sentences of "one 's [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Surely one does not spend one 's life as a biblical scholar reinterpreting the tradition because that is all that can be done in view of the fact that , like it or not , we live within this trajectory ?
2 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
3 WHY does the Press describe breaking one 's word as a U-turn ?
4 Indeed it may well be that it would be impossible to stand in no relation to the past , or to the framework in which one 's mind and one 's awareness as a religious person were formed .
5 Consideration , yes — anything less is to use one 's partner as a sexual object and less than human and a good deal of sexual dissonance between partners is a result of lack of this mutuality of feeling ; but to allow consideration of a partner 's pleasure to override the joy of sex for oneself is not only unfortunately genteel and polite , it may mean that the partner 's pleasure is actually diminished by one 's timorous courtesy .
6 These have no near friends or relatives to part from , and the future is bright for each ; but all the same , a lump comes in one 's throat as the train steams out of the station amid cheering and the strains of ‘ Auld Lang Syne ’ .
7 to take one 's diploma as a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ( from Surgeon 's Hall ) and of the College of Physicians respectively .
8 In considering the core issue of the authority of the state the most important conclusion is in the relative independence of identification with one 's community as a non-instrumental basis of authority , which is none the less subject to limits imposed by the normal justification thesis .
9 In all educational settings , authority as a teacher has to be earned in one 's effectiveness as a teacher .
10 Should the reason for refusing to do one 's duty as a soldier be loss of belief in the efficacy of war then that could well be interpreted as a choice of ahi sā .
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