Example sentences of "may still [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One must realise that one 's opponent , even if lagging badly behind , may still stage a come-back .
2 Even in a centrally heated home , the patient may still feel the cold , so he may need to be dressed warmly , and wear thermal socks .
3 Of course , the court may still grant a disgorgement order merely where it is satisfied that an investor has been adversely affected .
4 But even if we are able to accommodate ourselves to the fact that our parents were not altogether " good " from the child 's viewpoint , we may still retain the ideal in our minds .
5 One may still sense the impact which experience of the France of Louis XIV had on its regenerator , Ralph Montagu , First Duke of Montagu .
6 This may still represent a minority of cases but , nevertheless , mainstream art publishers are now clearly responsive to the institutional visibility and commercial potential of feminist art history .
7 The better practice in such cases is to attempt service even after the stated time-limit : a trial or other procedural step is unlikely to follow immediately after the expiry of the time-limit , so belated service may still give the defendant a useful opportunity to intervene ; and under Article 1591 a six-month waiting period is often imposed before proceedings can be taken to the stage of a default judgment .
8 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
9 Fine works of art , carefully placed in an appropriate setting , may still animate the garden and constitute a vital part of its design .
10 Older historians may still question the validity of oral data ; but , Briggs argues , ‘ you 've got to be critical of all forms of historical evidence ; they all have their pitfalls , but oral evidence is especially useful for recovering attitudes ’ — a point amply borne out by City Lives .
11 When the various doubts are crudely aggregated , the CEGB may still convince the inspector that the central NEC value for Sizewell will be negative , though its value may well be much closer to zero .
12 If the option is defeated against a purchaser of the reversion for want of registration , it appears that the tenant may still maintain an action against the original landlord for breach of covenant ( Wright v Dean [ 1948 ] Ch 686 ) .
13 Brunnson therefore does an excellent job of distinguishing between the formulation and implementation of ideologies , helping us to begin to see how corporate rational analysis and the organizational perspectives may fit together , but his thesis does not sufficiently recognize the degree to which both rationality and negotiation may still underlie the establishment of his ideologies .
14 Those knitters who do not have the Passap/Pfaff knitting system may still find the book useful for pattern ideas and many of the designs are suitable for use on other electronic machines .
15 A half-point increase in West German interest rates is already more than discounted ; a one-point rise may still force a base rate increase on a reluctant Chancellor .
16 So the child may still have no redress under law .
17 You know roll that on to the plate which unfortunately may still have a film of turpentine on it from when I cleaned it .
18 To others it means a chance to recycle whatever may still have a shred of use .
19 If the seller can not maintain an action under section 49 , he may still have a claim for damages which he can bring under section 50 ‘ where the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to accept and pay for the goods . ’
20 If you miss him you may still hit the petrol tank or the engine . ’
21 Fathers who want to exercise shared responsibility for their children may still need the security of the married state ; named putative fathers , although legally required to support their offspring , still have limited rights in respect of them .
22 Be careful not to apply too much cyclic , however , since this may still cause the model to tip over .
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