Example sentences of "may not be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
2 At the same time it affirms that academic staff may not be dismissed for holding particular beliefs or following particular lines of inquiry , and that senior staff may not be dismissed to be replaced by more junior , and cheaper , staff .
3 Other areas , such as worker 's rights or indirect taxation , remain politically controversial and legally complex and legislation may not be adopted for some time .
4 They also may not be prepared for a long walk to a phone .
5 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
6 A tender offer , on the other hand , may not be made for 30 per cent or more of a company 's voting rights .
7 I have begun to sense that , despite the touching and the ‘ precious boy ’ , I may not be headed for the Dark where the soft , fat spiders watch and wait .
8 Their effects may not be noticed for many years .
9 Appendix 1 is the most endangered list , and animals on it may not be traded for commercial purposes .
10 This list does not include unusual or specialised weapons such as repeater hand guns , Goblin Fanatic ball and chain , etc , and such weapons may not be chosen for a character .
11 The more stringent requirements may not be needed for all processes , but , where only one supply is available , this has to meet the strictest limits ( see Table II ) .
12 You may not be insured for theft or malicious damage by a lodger and usually you can only claim for theft if there has been a forced entry from outside .
13 The Judge said , " You may not be hanged for your crime , you must be sentenced to seven years to his Majesty 's colonies in Virginia , where your bond will be purchased , and you will work as a purchaser directs for seven years in Virginia . "
14 If pressing continues beyond the 2,666 litres limit the final dregs of the juice obtained , known as the rebêche , may not be used for the production of Champagne , Coteaux Champenois ( the still wines of Champagne ) or , indeed , any other officially classified wine .
15 Category D1 — ( not for hire or reward ) — for passenger carrying vehicles with between 9 and 16 passenger seats which may not be used for hire or reward .
16 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
17 In cases considered since Roe , the Supreme Court has generally shown more deference to congressional restrictions than to the states ' attempts to overturn Roe , for example it ruled that public funds may not be used for abortions whether therapeutic or non-therapeutic ( Harris v. McRae 1980 ) .
18 Logical assignments may not be used for the directory name .
19 This utility may not be used for foreign modules
20 Sometimes better ( > ) for passive motion ; they want to be carried the whole time but even then they may not be quietened for long and will demand to be carried by someone else .
21 ( vii ) In every case it is made clear to the prisoner from the information supplied to him that he may not be recommended for release at the end of his tariff period at the first or any subsequent review .
22 Spirit mediums may not be paid for their services , and their power comes primarily from their collective efforts in large group seances .
23 Barristers may not be sued for negligence if they botch a case in court ; nor as a general rule is their incompetence a ground of appeal against conviction .
24 Judges of the superior courts may not be sued for anything done or said while acting in their judicial capacity even if they act from some malicious or corrupt motive .
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