Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Morgenthau 's Realist theory was , as we have said , based on six principles , outlined in an introductory chapter added only in the second edition of the book ; this fact may explain why the six principles do not deal explicitly with two of the three concepts that are central to the remainder of the book , namely ‘ national interest ’ and the ‘ balance of power ’ .
2 This concept may explain why the inflammatory changes manifested in the clinical syndrome of ‘ pouchitis ’ are seen almost exclusively in patients who have had colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease rather than familial polyposis .
3 As will be discussed below , NCp7 shows cooperativity in binding to DNA , which may explain why the shorter fragments competed less efficiently for NCp7 than the longer DNA fragments .
4 Elements of the abductive sense may be instinctive , and the result of selection , others the product of training : selection may explain both the innate quality space and the flexibility which , we know , make possible the training which explains our current ( reliable ) sense of plausibility ( Quine 1969c ) .
5 His intention is to experience an ‘ as if ’ context — in a game two friends may agree to behave as if they are opponents ; in drama two friends may make exactly the same agreement .
6 The fact that a storm may show up the poor condition of a flat roof does not signify that storm was the proximate cause of damage .
7 We may perceive here the strange workings of the historical process according to Rousseau .
8 Crows may do much the same sort of thing as buzzards and eagles but , since there are so many of them , the luckless crows are ignored .
9 Give too much and it may bring about the very conditions it is capable of curing ; ‘ Through the like , disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured ’ , said Hippocrates over 2000 years ago .
10 The Gooser won the Galway Plate last July but is an inconsistent sort , although the big race may bring out the best in him .
11 After years of regular waxing , the hair follicles may give up the unequal struggle and not grow back .
12 Pursuant to the Directives ' aim to promote comparability of the accounts of companies of the various member States , companies are required to adopt one of two prescribed formats for the balance sheet and one of four for the profit and loss account but in doing so they may use either the prescribed ‘ historical cost accounting rules ’ or the ‘ alternative accounting rules ’ which pay greater recognition to the impact of inflation by a type of current cost accounting .
13 Thus , if implemented , notwithstanding the other requirements of SSAP 15 , companies may use either the full provision or partial provision basis in accounting for the deferred tax implications of post-retirement benefits accounted for in accordance with SSAP 24 and UITF 6 .
14 Just as young children will cry and remonstrate or say ‘ do n't leave me ’ , so the adult may use just the same words or convey by their behaviour that this is their worry .
15 Thus , liability may follow where the third party does not know , but ought to know , of the breach .
16 An exceptionally aggressive horse may reduce the position of another natural herd leader ; a racehorse that always comes last may slide down the social scale ; whereas a horse low in self-esteem and of a more passive and gentle nature , may , if its confidence is given a considerable boost , decide to dominate other horses formerly higher in the pecking order .
17 Delegated legislation is used mainly to add detail to primary legislation which may lay down the general principles although matters of considerable importance are sometimes dealt with in this way .
18 When presented with adequate messages , even though they may contain only the minimal information necessary to locate the target , young children are capable of the necessary perceptual discrimination and message decoding to perform effectively as listeners .
19 It may set out the general terms on which the firm will be prepared to deal , its right to refuse to deal and the fact that any deals that it undertakes will be on the customary terms of the market concerned .
20 From the top of the stairs , one may enter either the temporary exhibition galleries , or the circuit of newly climate-controlled , track-lit , chronologically installed American and European picture galleries , containing masterworks such as Mantegna 's so-called ‘ Esther and Mordecai ’ grisaille , Bronzino 's ‘ Portrait of Eleanor of Toledo and her Son ’ , Guercino 's ‘ Mars with Cupid ’ , Giambologna 's small bronze ‘ Rape of the Sabines ’ , Terborch 's newly restored ‘ The music party ’ , and Gainsborough 's ‘ Portrait of Mrs Philip Thicknesse ’ .
21 ( You may wonder why the alphabetical sequence is so chaotic .
22 This was particularly for people who have not been in hospital , but who may have exactly the same sort of needs as the people who are the focus of the particular project .
23 This may have completely the opposite effect to that intended .
24 Pottery and commercial tinplate may have roughly the same tensile strength but if a cup is dropped on the floor it will shatter , perhaps almost explosively .
25 Those people may have roughly the same income and circumstances and they may all be able to bear the same burden .
26 The centre in this explanation should not , as Shils observes , be understood in a geometric sense or even in a geographical sense ; in fact , the term ‘ centre ’ stands for the value systems by which society is ordered and thus may have only the weakest of links with particular concrete manifestations of elite values in politics , economics , culture or other aspects of societal interaction .
27 Furthermore , the activists in political movements that fly religious banners are rarely religious in any serious sense ; indeed , they may have only the haziest idea of the doctrines they claim to champion .
28 You do need some space to work , though ; the AccuCard needs clearance of around two inches , which may take up the adjacent slot .
29 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
30 Even within a relatively short time ( 5–10 years ) a situation may develop wherein the economic gain is sufficiently diminished that the enterprise becomes self-destructive as the environmental costs increase .
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