Example sentences of "may [verb] to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Eden 's remedy was to encourage departmental ministers to bring to Cabinet or Cabinet committee ‘ any questions which are likely to occasion public controversy or criticism or may need to be carefully explained to the Government 's supporters in Parliament ’ .
2 The speaker may need to be physically closer , to use the reassuring sense of touch , to remember that the whole face and expression help to convey meaning , to express one thought at a time unhurriedly , at the pace suitable to the old person .
3 However , this carries the risk that what is being implemented may need to be later unravelled because of second thoughts and if the original putting together of a change costs effort and resentment , going back on it may create further difficulties of relationships .
4 In some rural areas the population served may need to be even smaller if villages are far apart .
5 Two disadvantages of such techniques are that each word has to have a tag field added to it ( and this may need to be quite long to hold a suitable range of values ) , and execution of each instruction becomes more complicated ( and therefore possibly slower ) .
6 But theoretical analysis suggests that credible punishment strategies may need to be quite subtle and sophisticated , which leads to the conclusion that so-called ‘ tacit ’ collusion may in practice turn out to be ‘ secret ’ collusion .
7 His car may need to be specially adapted , for instance if he can not use his hemiplegic hand to operate controls or the hand brake .
8 In places of special risk , such as hospital kitchens serving meals to the very old , the very young , or immuno-suppressive patients or the factory producing large quantities of cooked cold meats , disinfection may need to be more frequent .
9 Others may prefer to continue the addictive process rather than accept the need for personal change which they may perceive to be more painful than continuing the addiction .
10 The distalmost papillae may appear to be slightly curved .
11 Although these encroachments may appear to be rather small , they could give your neighbour valid grounds for complaint , which could result in costly legal proceedings .
12 This guidance may appear to be rather imprecise but one particular application of it has resulted in the following list of parameters in two different groups .
13 There may appear to be only one suitable candidate for the job .
14 Space and depth are easily confused ; an animal 20 yards down may appear to be only a few feet away , and in following it down to get a closer look , a diver may suddenly find himself well past prescribed diving depths .
15 The truth is that learning new skills does take time , and progress may appear to be very slow .
16 Particular activities in the form of classroom tasks may appear to be very different and to represent quite distinct views of pedagogy but on closer consideration to be consistent with the same underlying principle of approach .
17 Harris , Heston claimed , may appear to be very strong , but he ‘ does seem to be one of those people who seemed to enjoy ill health .
18 At a certain point you may appear to be back where you were before but you can not quite be sure .
19 This again may appear to be perfectly obvious , but I recall a case not long ago where the agent was induced to halt action on a proposed petition , and it transpired only subsequently ( and after the legislation had been enacted ) that the client had given these instructions on a mere general assurance which was not in fact implemented .
20 The ability of the counsellor to be part of a group , fully involved and an interested party , but at the same time an ‘ observer ’ , may appear to be more difficult than it really is .
21 God is something which is always available , however much people in some ages , or some people in each age , may appear to be more aware of God .
22 This difference of perspective and lack of immediate concern with definitions of power and with empiricist rigour result in research methods which may appear to be more approximate in their conclusions than are the pluralists , at least as far as the distribution of power is concerned .
23 Of course , prices may appear to be more sticky than they actually are , for there are many ways of changing the ‘ price ’ of a good without changing the amount of ‘ s printed on the good 's label .
24 It is often thought that Cichlasoma pair for life , and in the home aquarium , this may appear to be so .
25 They may appear to be sexually aware but they are just not prepared for the physical , emotional or sexual consequences .
26 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
27 A good feature of Market Hyde 's book , in comparison with other highly popular treatments of such matters , is its reiteration that certain problems which may appear to be fairly simple are in fact extremely difficult .
28 The pace of work on the surgical ward may appear to be extremely rapid .
29 The nests of ants , bees , wasps and other social insects may appear to be marvellously complex examples of animal technology , but they are not examples of tool use .
30 In places there may appear to be almost none ; yet we know that huge numbers of diatoms are produced , but that most are rapidly consumed .
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