Example sentences of "may [verb] be [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 In this context the 1912 Minority Report on Divorce may have been right in its opinion that ‘ a blow in one class of life might not be the unforgiveable injury it would be in another ’ .
2 His attempts to turn RIC men from soldiers into policemen may have been appropriate in the largely peaceful Ireland of the 1890s , but when the RIC was called upon in 1919 to resume its military character in order to defeat the IRA it was to prove unequal to the task .
3 That recipe may have been appropriate in the past when personal consumption was largely met from the output of labour-intensive British industries .
4 It seems that Rastafari , reggae and toasting may have been crucial in asserting the cultural dominance of the Jamaican element within the Caribbean community in Britain .
5 Most of the people responsible for Labour 's policies acknowledge that those which may have been relevant in the 1980s were disastrous and should be consigned to the rubbish heap .
6 These may have been possible in the days of full staffing and adequate resources .
7 Systems comparable to this operated in the east , in Ugarit and the land of the Hatti , where ‘ guilds ’ of artisans were able to pursue their various callings in the town bazaars , and some development along these lines may have been possible in Minoan Crete .
8 Major oceans would form the most long-lasting boundaries defining the provinces , but even these were not permanent , and migrations may have been possible in early geological periods when the distribution of land and sea was different .
9 Some 40 per cent of the rural population have no access to a car so that the problem of claiming a benefit that may have been straightforward in town , is very pressing in the country .
10 George may have been small in stature , but he was a giant of a man to all who knew him .
11 The new Tory ministry under Harley may have been successful in changing the previous Whig majority in Parliament into a Tory one in the General Election of 1710 ; but the furore unleashed by the Sacheverell affair meant that a Parliament dominated by High Tories was returned , which was much more extreme than a moderate like Harley would have wished .
12 The impact on the other producers , at least Sumitomo and Kawasaki , who did not oppose the merger , may have been counter-productive in stimulating continued aggressive expansion ’ ( Kaplan , 1975 , p. 151 ) .
13 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
14 Uncle was much more the happy-go-lucky extrovert whereas Daddy was shy and reserved , but that may have been due in part , at least , to the burdens he carried .
15 The success experienced among the eastern Angles with the conversion of Eorpwald may have been due in part at least to the influence of older patterns established by missionaries in the time of Raedwald , but nevertheless it testifies to Eadwine 's real influence in the East Anglian area at this time .
16 She was much more likely to spin outside her door if she was in search of fresh air , but the available space may have been useful in drying yarn and cloth for display .
17 It is only in Nazi Germany that population policies , general between the wars in Continental Europe , may have been effective in raising the birth-rate ( Glass 1940 , Bleuel 1976 ) .
18 Some of those qualities appear to have been inherited by Frederick 's youngest son Herbert and , as already mentioned , some of them may have been present in Frederick 's uncle William .
19 Such looms may have been present in every household .
20 Such phenomena may have been present in three of our patints , in whom a slight bile acid malabsorption was found with the SeHCAT test , but in whom there was no increase in bile acid synthesis by the liver .
21 In some cases , the symptoms may have been psychosomatic in origin , which would account for the good effect of the placebo .
22 I would prefer not to have my guy stand up and say I may have been involved in an assassination . ’
23 Mr Bond has been threatened with receiverships , the loss of boardroom control at his key Bell Resources company , failure to secure sale of the breweries , share suspensions , disclosure that a former employee may have been involved in telephone bugging and the final indignity of a derisory A$53 million bid from rival Kerry Packer for his TV interests .
24 Other dinosaurs , namely the duckbilled hadrosaurs — herbivorous versions of T. Rex — were found with fossilized ribs that frequently revealed healed breaks , hinting that they may have been involved in fights or in ritualized trials of strength in which their massive hind feet were used .
25 ‘ Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
26 Thomas Hardy was employed by both architects and may have been involved in the work .
27 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
28 I note that the hon. Gentleman did not take this ideal opportunity to deny that he may have been involved in the passing to the press of a bogus document about the alleged future of InterCity .
29 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
30 Burgundians may have been involved in the crossing of the Rhine in 406 .
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