Example sentences of "people who [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 With this method all the people who wish to be involved in the selection of a candidate do so one after the other and not as one unwieldy group .
2 Improve information , advice services and facilities for people who wish to be tested for HIV .
3 I have not met many Scottish people who wish to be left exposed to the nuclear blackmail that could come from the huge nuclear arsenal which will remain for many years on the continent and in Russia .
4 True , she was old , but Sara had always imagined she would be one of those people who lived to be a hundred and had a telegram from the Queen .
5 Amongst those who seem to be ‘ changing ’ the most rapidly are people who deserve to be called nothing short of unprincipled opportunists .
6 We have to ensure that people who deserve to be locked up for the public good are locked up .
7 Not doubling it , not trebling it , but to improve it by something like five or ten percent , and then the next time we go to a sales conference , you 'll be the ones winning the prizes , instead of the people who 've to be winning the prizes , because you 'll not have to improve it by much to win the prizes do you ?
8 There are some people who claim to be able to control an axe kick to the top of the opponent 's head , but I have never seen this done effectively enough to score .
9 Even more frequently there are people who claim to be introverted , ( in other words they think and feel as an introvert ) but who nonetheless over-compensate and behave in extraverted ways .
10 History as a body of knowledge which all people who claim to be ‘ historians ’ must share has collapsed .
11 Now one of the criticisms that I 've had er from the people who prefer to be nameless but always come to me afterwards and say oh it was a waste of time coming .
12 At first , making adaptations to your home may seem a very complicated process , because of the information you need to gather together , and the number of people who have to be involved .
13 That I myself was hardly any more mature than he , was beside the point : I had no very high opinion of people who claimed to be mature adults .
14 The invariably suave vocals bring to mind the phrase ‘ smooth operator ’ , and the only people who want to be smoothies are Thatcherite southern spivs .
15 In practice , the platform becomes a place for people who want to be seen , those who believe that their own importance is such that the presentation of the programme is secondary to their right to be seen beside the programme participants .
16 Rather , it is an unconscious , gentle process whereby people who want to be loving attempt to be so by telling little white lies , by withholding some of the truth about themselves and their feelings in order to avoid conflict .
17 The people who continue to be discriminated against by employers with regard to pay , holidays , redundancies , working conditions , pensions , maternity rights etcetera .
18 May we try to do something to make other people 's lives happier and easier — even those people who seem to be doing nothing at all to help us .
19 Time seems to have stood still here and the only people who seem to be in a hurry are those passing through — driving in a typically Mediterranean style .
20 The Greek word for ‘ barbarians ’ means people who seem to be saying ‘ baa-baa ’ — like sheep .
21 ‘ The people who seem to be giving us all the orders now are the very people who , um , got us into this trouble in the first place ! ’
22 The only people who seem to be excused from the privatization is the senior management executives .
23 well I mean you 're right in a way Bob those people who seem to get on within a company some of them are people who seem to be able to say the right words at the right time do n't they ?
24 It was basically a group of people who happened to be around but very soon we all had titles and were constantly organising and re-organising the creating divisions and systems and methods .
25 To a large extent , their numbers were made up of tourists , people who happened to be passing by , people with time to kill , and people who simply fancied doing something different .
26 But for the most part people recited their descent and their poems , recounted old events , in the company of people who wanted to be told who their ancestors were , what they did , what heroisms they accomplished .
27 Elizabeth was always delightful with pleasantly smiling people who wanted to be pleasant — and it is reposeful when one does not have to talk or understand their language .
28 Other people who need to be notified of the patient 's discharge from hospital are the patient 's General Practitioner and any specialist nurse who is involved in his care .
29 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
30 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
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