Example sentences of "people were [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And , despite what the media claimed , Reagan was not elected because people were fed up with the huge federal deficit and were clamoring for budget cuts … .
2 I think people were fed up with the strikes Larry .
3 On any day there was a great advantage in arriving at the Board of Trade early , for people were called up in the order in which they handed in their cards .
4 People were run over by trains because they would stretch themselves out on the rails for a quick nap , or because they were drunk .
5 Boss William Courtney says many more people were cut off for non-payment , but the shares added 2p to 455p .
6 The day was cold , with flurries of snow and people were muffled up to the eyes .
7 The Benefits Agency spokesman said the figures for budget loans showed that 7,509 people were helped out of the 13,060 applications made .
8 For crisis loans , helping customers meet expenses in an emergency , 3,315 people were helped out of the 3,508 applications made .
9 They would believe that all these people were caught up in this satanic net .
10 Elderly people were caught up in a political , financial and staffing web in which services were run according to the needs of service providers , Harbert told the conference .
11 Young people were caught up in a whirlwind of activity with , to quote a social worker , ‘ the teachers and the physios and the medics arguing out who has this square inch of this kid 's time ’ .
12 An estimated 250 people were shown round in 11 tours , leaving the guides footsore and hoarse !
13 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
14 Ten people were picked up after four hours in the water , and the eleventh after five hours .
15 A cynic among us suggested the people were brought out in the early morning for the tourists to snap their unlikely habitat .
16 Ten thousand people were taken up for a guinea a ride of a few moments .
17 However , 10,000 people were laid off in the process , including many of the 650 who worked at Unisys 's factory in Livingstone , Scotland .
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