Example sentences of "people [Wh pn] will [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Also if the people who will later run the computer are also responsible for the software , then they are more likely to fit the programming to their own needs , which can save time and money later .
2 There are several people who will probably need to help you with various parts of the work from the very beginning to completion ; Environmental Health Officers , Builders , Architects or Surveyors , Building Control Officers and Occupational Therapists .
3 These are the very people who will most benefit from the proposed changes .
4 It 's not true that girls dress up to impress men , or ‘ catch ’ a boyfriend , because I think girls know that the people who will most appreciate their particular look or style , or the fabric or colour in their outfit , will be their friends .
5 Sometimes though , the interview serves an additional public relations purpose in getting the organization across to people who will either apply again , or carry the word elsewhere about the excellence of the organization .
6 Will the Secretary of State consider ways of ensuring that a sky shield can be erected by the international powers over Croatian air space to stop the aerial bombardment of Dubrovnik and Vukovar and also find ways to increase humanitarian aid to people who will otherwise continue to die over Christmas ?
7 The decisions that are made also help to determine the kind of people who will eventually live in the houses that are built and therefore the nature of the village community .
8 I did n't think he 'd do that , because we 'd had problems before , because of the black and white thing , There 's a lot of people who will just stop you in the street .
9 In time leaders may emerge but our aim is to beat competitors to the cream of the graduate field , young people who will really enjoy our industry .
10 List servers may be used to raise issues for a particular discipline or to air thoughts and to stimulate discussion between a whole range of people who will never meet .
11 There are some people who will never try any mind-bending substances .
12 There are undoubtedly people who will still say , ‘ I do n't want my little Johnny to get food poisoning and that 's the end of the story , ’ — although unfortunately , they would be misled if they were to choose irradiated food for that reason . ’
13 There is no need to pay high salaries to people who will continually agree .
14 The people who will actually make the calls must be identified .
15 What about people who will inevitably criticise you for a large canvas , half of which is black , and half of which is blue , and which is labelled ‘ Blue on Black ’ .
16 I have heard of older people who will literally walk the second mile despite weary feet aching with bunions , in order to visit a good chiropodist .
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