Example sentences of "people [verb] [conj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Improving the morale of the area and finding out how best , in areas of marginal economics , to encourage young people to remain and work in the area after completing their education .
2 Being a representative of a national race committee , I 'm often dismayed at the ne the lack of black people demonstrated or portrayed in Direct .
3 Some people say that lurking in its depths is a fish so dangerous that oarsmen venture out at their peril .
4 This was bought-in at £6 million at Christie 's on 15 April , largely because the estimate was considered to be too high for what one expert commented was ‘ an early , dark , Leyden-period picture , which is at variance with what people want and expect in Rembrandt .
5 And though most people hold that working in any kind of job is better than not working , it is equally important , and not just for individuals but for society as a whole , that children should be educated so that they can find satisfaction outside their work as well as within it , in things other than paid work .
6 People living and working in Lothian , visitors , those wishing to invest in the area , and those providing services , will all be interested in what the Plan has to say .
7 The attitudes towards parenthood and parenting of people living and working in a multi-ethnic community are explored .
8 Some people observed that working in senior posts was easier .
9 In fact , I do n't get asked to do sessions any more , probably because people assume that playing in Status Quo you 've got to be shit — a three-chord wonder — which is a really poor attitude on their part .
10 Around 90,000 people trek and climb in Nepal every year .
11 By so doing he originated a style of dance which owed its liveliness to the way such people behaved and danced in real life .
12 This programme , now in its sixth year , comprises four linked weekends aimed at assisting people to start and succeed in their own business .
13 He took Peter , James and John into the house where the girl was surrounded with people crying and wailing in their distress .
14 UDCs are primarily intended to secure the regeneration of their designated areas by bringing land and buildings into effective use ; by encouraging the development of existing and new industry and commerce ; by creating an attractive environment ; and by ensuring that housing and social facilities are available to encourage people to live and work in the area .
15 With their statutory origins in the 1980 Local Government Planning and Land Act , UDCs are designed to bring land and buildings into effective use , encourage the development of new and existing commerce , create an attractive environment and ensure that housing and social facilities are available to encourage people to live and work in the area .
16 The houses are modern and living conditions are good , but most people would admit that tax concessions are the main incentives which encourage people to live and work in such extreme climatic conditions .
17 These measures would help to open up the UDC area , and encourage more people to live and work in the area .
18 E. About 40 000 people live and work in the area of the Peak District National Park .
19 Many people think that working in showbusiness is an easy glamourous job .
20 It 's a useful way of getting a perspective on the present , to realize that people think and feel in such different ways , in totally alien ways , that are completely unsympathetic , which is why feminism is an interesting development , because the ability to read something written in a totally patriarchal tradition , and to make the sympathetic adjustment , giving him his due , recognizing that he could n't have thought what you think , because people did n't think like that then … .
21 One begins to see why people think and behave in the way they do .
22 Even so , in countless places around Europe , people behave and think in ways which are totally distinctive .
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