Example sentences of "also been [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The preceding weeks had also been punctuated by strikes .
2 Similar studies have also been conducted with children attending pre-school play-groups and nursery schools , where the caretakers have been either voluntary helpers or professionally trained nurses and teachers ( Wells 1981 ; Wood et al .
3 Concern about the disease has also been strengthened by reports of the death of a British dairy farmer from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease , a rare dementia in humans that causes the same kind of brain damage as BSE .
4 Boulder-strewn dusty surfaces have also been revealed by Veneras 13 and 14 , which landed on rolling plains a few thousand km to the south-east of Beta Regio .
5 The second report by a banking inspector has also been kept under wraps .
6 Obligations concerned with the day-to-day upkeep of leasehold property have also been placed upon tenants , although this implied covenant " to act in a tenant-like manner " , does not amount to a requirement to make repairs .
7 Splicing mutation has also been detected in patients with opA xerodera pigmentoseum ( 31 ) , in the ornithine aminotransferase ( OAT ) locus in gyrate atrophy ( GA ) ( 32 ) and in the dystrophin gene in Duchenne muscular dystrophy ( 33 ) .
8 His life was saved by his cell mate , who has also been treated for burns , but is now back behind bars .
9 The UK is its major market though sales have also been made to customers in Italy , Spain , Portugal , Ireland and Australia .
10 Improvements have also been made to resorts .
11 Council officers have also been looking at playgrounds in the Witham area .
12 Striped dolphins and Dall 's porpoise are most often seen in groups of 530 and 2–20 , respectively , but both have also been observed in numbers of around 300 .
13 Reception class children involved in fights have also been moved to schools outside the area ‘ for their own safety ’ , we were told by teachers .
14 Rises in whole body turnover rates have also been seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease .
15 Both of these have also been raised in evaluations of the first six years of National Certificate 's operation .
16 In housing , for example , similar tests using black and white actors to those described in the investigation of discrimination in employment , have also been utilized in studies of the private housing market .
17 Drug profits have also been affected by provisions in the Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986 ( Section 24 ) , which makes assisting drug trafficking an offence , and also provides immunity from breach of contract where it is disclosed to the police that funds or investments are derived from drug trafficking .
18 ( c ) Quarters : the quarters which had also been framed in jigs , panelled up , moulded , glazed and painted with one coat outside , were then erected and secured in position with corner knees .
19 This has also been confirmed during seminars we have conducted .
20 We have also been influenced by representations about the position of privately owned companies held on discretionary trusts .
21 Newport have also been embroiled in allegations , by Glamorgan Wanderers and Penarth , of poaching .
22 DOEs have also been obtained in experiments investigating matching to sample ( MTS ) in pigeons .
23 An opportunity has also been lost in telecommunications ; if the hon. Member for Worsley ( Mr. Lewis ) speaks in this debate , I think that he will address that .
24 Some concern has also been expressed by teachers , local authorities , the Labour Party and others that the national curriculum is being implemented with too much haste .
25 This has also been supported by observations in Japanese and Hawaiian men ( Chung et al , 1969 ) , and is consistent with the low rate of macrovascular disease found in Pima Indians ( Ingelfinger et al , 1976 ) and Bantu diabetics ( Shapiro et al , 1973 ) , in both of whom hypertriglyceridaemia is extremely common .
26 The refuge theory has also been questioned in terms of the botanical information originally used to formulate it , in that it has been suggested that the ‘ refugia ’ may represent regions where collecting has been at its most intense .
27 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
28 This theory has also been phrased in terms of firing thresholds in neural nets ( Revelle & D. A. Loftus 1990 ) .
29 I have also been interviewed on trains and on a cross-channel ferry about my travel habits .
30 Diversity has also been reported within groups with other high risk conditions for colorectal cancer .
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