Example sentences of "also a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And at the valve , as ships enter , there is also a small army in Intelloid screeners operating the scanning technology that record every detail of visitors .
2 There is also a small slit on the south .
3 There is also a small park in Santo da Serra with a good selection of trees and shrubs , a children 's play area and small enclosures for wild ponies , deer and even kangaroos .
4 There was also a small priory at Brimpsfield , but it is not certain if the church was the priory church .
5 There is also a small sector of very expensive élite schools which teach in Spanish and English , used mainly by upper and upper-middle class families who aspire to send their children abroad to university .
6 There is also a small possibility of infection via breast milk , and in the developed world doctors recommend that women with HIV do not breast feed .
7 There is also a small band of people with employment responsibilities for young people , who work for local education authorities : the careers officers .
8 ( There is also a small number of very large companies that are private . )
9 There is also a small number of self-contained flats for couples available at Mylne 's Court .
10 There was also a great spirit of unity among the workers and , although the statements were coloured with rhetoric , it was emphasized that at Wolverhampton , ‘ The whole of the workers stood firm and were prepared to fight to the bitter end ’ and that at Hull there was ‘ Alarm — fear — despair — a victorious army disarmed and handed over to its enemies . ’
11 He was also a great friend of ACHILLES , whom he taught music and hunting ; according to ancient myth , Chiron taught Achilles to run so swiftly by setting him to chase wild deer and eat their raw flesh .
12 He is also a great friend of the Festival , and it will be a delight to have him with us again .
13 ‘ I did n't think I could face the idea of someone else having the job , ’ she laughs , ‘ but it was also a great opportunity for me . ’
14 Birch was also a great believer in the corrosion-resistant qualities of cast-iron columns , and this confidence was fully vindicated by time .
15 The coach is also a great help in controlling anxiety , and the right kind of pep talk can work wonders .
16 There was also a great variation in the size of local authorities of the same status .
17 He was also a great supporter of both the Medics ' and Dentists ' Football Club and the Medical Students ' Rugby Club .
18 There were photographs and postcard and letters pinned up and pasted on tables and walls , and amongst these more adult decorations , there was also a great quantity of carefully arranged and ancient toys , of a precise and coloured charm ; there was a doll 's house , a glass jar of marbles , a toy iron on a small brass stand , a heap of rag dolls , a row of painted wooden Russian dolls , a nest of coloured eggs , a tower of bricks , a weather house , a huge pendant snowstorm globe containing a small palace and a small forest with small ferny trees .
19 No one has yet made full use of the massive archival material available , which includes not just the twenty-nine volumes of Keynes ' published Collected Writings , but also a great quantity of unpublished personal and economic papers , many of them only recently available for inspection .
20 I have a great admiration for Mr. Duncan McNeill , and also a great approbation for the concept of trust status for hospitals .
21 There is also a great advantage in regenerating large columes of previously cooked food on high throughout operations only as the demand occurs .
22 David 's step-brother , Terry , was also a great influence on David in the early years .
23 There is also a great benefit in allowing children into pubs from an early age .
24 There 's also a great selection of restaurants to choose from , including Chinese , English , Indian and French cuisine .
25 I have a very observant Afrikaans friend , a medical doctor , also a great admirer of Mr.X , who maintains that all top-class golfers walk on the insides of their feet , thus enabling them to maintain the right shin post without effort , as against the bandy-legged player , who finds it very difficult to keep his right knee firm on the backswing .
26 But he was also a great admirer of Michael Banks , who was his dream casting for the role , and , unless one introduced very tortuous psychopathology , for him to murder the star was utterly unlikely .
27 When we are fat , losing weight is important for our health but it is also a great boost to morale to feel more attractive because we have managed to shed surplus pounds .
28 There was also a great deal of experimental music .
29 There was also a great deal of indignation among ordinary British citizens who discovered for the first time after the massacre in Timişoara that Romania was ruled by a brutal tyrant who enjoyed the privileges of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath .
30 There was a feeling of hopelessness because of the prospect of unemployment facing most of the young people but also a great deal of anger and frenzied organizing arising from this .
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