Example sentences of "also [vb past] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mosley also lived in a private world where there was leisure and a sense of fun .
2 Jean Bevan , the second of these two , had a middle-class previous occupation nursing — but also lived in a working-class area .
3 The Bantu press newspaper group was a similar venture : part-owned by the Argus Group , it also tried in a paternalistic way to guide Africans in an approved direction .
4 In Tervoort 's ( 1983 ) survey he discovered six of his responding countries had a signed spoken language form ( Finland , Ireland , Norway , Rumania , Sweden and the Soviet Union ) , but he also discovered in a further five countries an ‘ unofficial ’ system of signs structured to reflect the spoken language .
5 Bread and Fruit Dish also existed in an earlier version ; and it too began life as a figure piece .
6 The cuts and internal reorganisation in the ILEA also resulted in a total turn-about on decisions concerning the specialist social worker post .
7 One of the successes of the bubble policy to date includes a plant in Providence , Rhode Island , where $2.7 million was saved by replacing expensive low-sulphur oil at its two plants , one with high-sulphur oil and one with natural gas , which also resulted in a net reduction of the sulphur dioxide emission ( Smith , 1981 ) .
8 Increased manning of the slaughter line increased the labour cost but also resulted in a higher quality product with a longer shelf life .
9 This chapter is therefore an account of a failure to link English with national policy , a failure which also resulted in a radical diminution of the future influence of the English Association .
10 This also resulted in a slight decrease in the number of word paths , but often resulted in the loss of the correct word .
11 The cross-over period between customers also resulted in a significant build up of inventory levels .
12 The numbers of elderly people were considerably overestimated in London during the late 1970s : this led to an understatement of the SMRs , with consequent loss of health resources ; it also resulted in a relative over-allocation for personal social services .
13 This relegation - for as such it was undoubtedly construed — to the domestic realm , whilst on the one hand promoting a higher status than before for women in terms of motherhood ( a status generated for society 's structural purposes and needs ) , also resulted in an overall decrease in women 's status generally , for , to use the well known Levi-Straussian model , the domestic unit — i.e. the ‘ biological ’ family concerned with reproducing and socializing new members of society — was seen as separate from the public entity — i.e. the superimposed network of alliances and relationships which comprised society proper , as it were .
14 The company also participated in a new gas discovery adjacent to the Caister field and this new discovery , named the Hunter field , will be tied-in to the Caister production facilities .
15 Meyer also ran in a cross- country in Durham earlier this year but that time the ‘ chill factor ’ was too much for her , and she did not perform well .
16 A Roman Catholic clergymen also featured in a notorious siege involving Maze escapers Hugh Corey and Patrick McIntyre near Castlewellan in 1983 .
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