Example sentences of "also [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also the sporting community in South Africa is now uncomfortably aware that their cricketing authorities have asked far too much of their players this year .
2 He received also the grand cross of the Legion of Honour and a honorary DCL from Oxford .
3 But Engels missed the point that human productive activity is not confined to producing the means of subsistence and the tools that go with it and to reproducing the human species itself ; there is also the crucial activity of altering the social world by creating new social relationships .
4 And there is also the crucial issue of political financing which we 've heard about already this morning , and which is such a vexed question in French Spanish , and Italian politics now everybody wants to see more money coming from an expanded , er , political membership .
5 Note also the increased size of the calibrated range relative to the uncalibrated one where the slope of the curve is effectively less than 45 degrees , and the decreased size where the slope is steep .
6 Housing the largest lighting rig in Scotland , it is also the largest nightclub in Edinburgh .
7 It was n't just the slight pain that stopped her sleeping , it was also the mental shock of what she had done .
8 They mark also the final phase of the first period in Cubist painting .
9 This is sometimes necessary to do both in eliciting and checking , and is also the final stage in practising a drill .
10 If suppliers know not only the current price in their own market but also the current price in all other markets the aggregate level of output will be independent of the average level of prices .
11 It is helped , it acknowledges , not only by research and development grants from the Israeli government , but also the current influx of brainpower from the former Soviet Union .
12 From the earliest days , no one in Emor was a mere individual : he was also the current representative of a gens , one of the great Emorian dynasties that dominated the political life of the empire .
13 Other very useful sources for the social researcher are the London Bibliography of the Social Sciences which is , in fact , the published catalogue of the acquisitions and holdings of the library of the London School of Economics , a major social science library ; and also the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences which has annual volumes devoted to sociology , political science , economics and social and cultural anthropology .
14 It now lodged not only what was left of the Headleand family , but also the private part of Liz 's practice , and the practices of two of her colleagues : a shared secretary had taken over what had once been the au pair girl 's flat .
15 But it is also the riskiest form of land-based contracting .
16 There was also the contentious issue of discipline , which affected all the students .
17 Not only pornography , but also the general denigration of women , has been implicated in the construction of male sexual scripts in which aggression is seen as a positive masculine quality .
18 Further study of this class of DNA-protein interactions will benefit not only the understanding of the biological processing of cisplatin-DNA adducts and their underlying molecular mechanisms , but also the general field of structure-specific recognition of DNA .
19 He fully accepted the interpretation of fossils which had recently been put forward by Lyell and also the general interrelation of species in a Great Chain of Being .
20 The problem then arises : does the question cover also the general rule against suing for damages for breach of an illegal contract ?
21 There was also the Pan-African Movement for East and Central Africa ( PAFMECA ) in which Julius Nyerere took the lead .
22 Fourteen new mazes will open this year — locations include Blenheim Palace and Wookey Hole Caves — which is also the 300th anniversary of the maze at Hampton Court .
23 ( There was also the trifling matter of it being discounted to £650 ! )
24 There is also the Benevolent Fund of the Department of Employment Group ( and the Benevolent Fund for Scotland ) .
25 St Paul understood the distinctive heart of Christianity to lie in the historic facts of the gospel ; the Jesus of history was one with the Christ of his faith , who was also the eternal wisdom of God in creation .
26 But they were also the golden age of doctrinal clarification .
27 Take also the double-page introduction to the food pages and the adjoining Batchelors Super Noodles advertisement .
28 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
29 His name is Jack Russell and he is also the best wicketkeeper in England .
30 ( And giving your hair more body is probably also the best way of looking healthier and younger , short of a facelift ! )
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