Example sentences of "also [vb infin] [vb pp] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The public clearly believed that this ‘ restoration ’ would enhance the building 's interest despite destroying an historic element ; he must also have felt that a new timber framed facade , despite its inauthenticity , would give the pub an ‘ historic ’ character that was more readily recognisable and instantly attractive to potential customers .
2 He may also have felt that the time was not ripe for any definitive initiative .
3 You may also have noticed that the viewfinder is displaying signal indications as well as the picture itself .
4 One feature alone redeems the book , namely that it illustrates many works which have rarely been reproduced since the original publication of the albums by Redon , though we could also have hoped that the quality of the reproductions were a little better .
5 From the standpoint of more worldly considerations , the signing of the concordat soothed the irritation of those Catholics who did not like the trend towards closer relations with what they saw as Protestant — that is , heretic — America ( although they must also have recognized that the Catholic political and economic lobby in the United States was large , rich and influential ) .
6 The lads at IBJ should also have remembered that the spirits are hard to sue for financial redress .
7 Gloucester may also have feared that the accession of Edward V would bring a diminution of the power he had enjoyed hitherto .
8 Gloucester may also have feared that the accession of Edward V would bring a diminution of the power he had enjoyed hitherto .
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