Example sentences of "also [verb] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 Yeltsin also announced that he had taken control of Soviet armed forces on Russian territory and on Aug. 23 he banned party organizations in them .
2 Hungary also announced that it had requested the complete withdrawal of all Soviet troops by the end of 1991 [ see p. 37195 ] .
3 The problem with this was that although Dawn was interested in the chick , once she was airborne she also realised that she had freedom and that 's very attractive , too !
4 Hoare also agreed that he had been advised by the Director of Public Prosecutions that charges of seditious libel against individuals attacking Jews as a group would in all probability fail .
5 He later also revealed that it had been planned to install a new government including prominent political exiles Mohammed Mzali and Ahmed Ben Salah .
6 He also realized that he had himself unwittingly carried the disease from one midwifery patient to another .
7 He also realised that he had to learn more Italian than his little phrase book could teach him .
8 She also realised that she had an advantage over her mother 's generation because she had worked , and was more inclined to go out and do things in her retirement .
9 Did you also know that she had connections with the Dublin and London criminal underworlds ?
10 All employees identified by linkage to industrial records also reported that they had worked in the nuclear industry and no additional parents reported having been an employee .
11 On Jan. 17 the police also reported that they had uncovered a neo-Nazi organization , three of whose members were arrested and another six questioned on suspicion of plotting the overthrow of the government .
12 It was also reported that he had the audacity to join the Special Constables , but all pretence was blown asunder when he was noticed pawning stolen articles by a fellow officer .
13 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
14 The Halifax , Britain 's biggest building society , also disclosed that it had set aside a £20m provision against its loans to the collapsed London docklands developer Kentish Property Group .
15 I also found that I had a vitamin deficiency , and Anna-Lisa introduced me to vitamin supplements .
16 The notebooks also show that she had grasped that the A form contained two strands running in opposite directions , but she had not then understood the exact relation between the A and B forms .
17 ‘ The commission took into consideration their record over the past five years , ’ said Graham Kelly , the FA 's chief executive , ‘ but they also noted that they had taken steps to improve it over the last 18 months . ’
18 He also noted that they had narrow bodies , as the B.E.T .
19 He also noted that she had n't brought a drink .
20 Love also revealed that it had been decided not to include Iain Philip and Alastair Storie , as they had been playing overseas and it was a better option to give the others some match practice .
21 Mr Reynolds often looked tired and anxious during the days preceding his operation and it was important that the ward nurses gave him opportunities to ask questions and express his fears and also ensured that he had time to rest .
22 Chamberlain also believed that he had arranged a mini-concordat of his own with Beaverbrook .
23 It also claimed that he had nearly 20 meetings with North between 1985 and 1987 .
24 They also stated that he had received funds from North Korea .
25 He also stated that he had expressed the hope that the Soviet Union 's relationship with communist North Korea would improve and that Gorbachev could assist in encouraging the North Korean government to undertake a programme of political and economic reform .
26 He also stated that he had no objections to negotiations in the current peace process being held in Cairo .
27 The RJO also confirmed that they had received a video tape from Israel of an interview carried out recently with Shaikh Abdel-Karim Obeid .
28 He also confirmed that he had authorized US aid to Honduras in return for Honduran assistance to the contras , a quid pro quo arrangement first revealed during the trial of Oliver North [ see p. 36649 ] , but he claimed that the linkage within the arrangement had not been made explicit .
29 Mr Blair also confirmed that he had recently spoken informally to Sinn Fein members in the City Hall about his plans to visit community centres in nationalist areas .
30 He also boasted that he had committed other serious crimes .
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