Example sentences of "these [noun pl] [verb] and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 These fenders rise and fall with the lock water level and prevent ships ' hulls from making contact with the concrete lock walls .
2 Though these clubs grew and become more formalised , supporters were still able to maintain an illusion of participation in the team 's affairs .
3 These institutions instil and cultivate in their cadets what were once commonly referred to as the virtues of southern manhood — honour , chivalry and devotion to God , state and family , ’ wrote one alumnus in a letter to a newspaper .
4 These forms underlie and explain both individual figures and the overall structure of the play .
5 In the twentieth century , many of these meanings coexist and intertwine , in a variety of usages .
6 In your sleeping mind these images knock and scrape against each other , creating strange collages of familiar and distorted material .
7 To the extent that these arenas support and acknowledge people 's feelings and their search for greater clarity , they must presuppose a set of values that is different from the one which underlies the common staffroom ethos ; and after a while this clash of values may become explicit .
8 The more conscientious among her readers would at these words stop and think , knowing that they too could , if they were clever enough , look at it all in the right way .
9 All these kids come and wreck your toys .
10 My first reaction was one of concern for the affirmation these communities require and deserve .
11 Each Monday these workers maintain and program their own machines .
12 The scientific journalist 's attitude must be adopted from that of creative workers and he must attempt to convey what these workers think and do .
13 Marx described the consciousness of people in a situation of class conflict as ideological , meaning that although they might represent and believe their ideas to be objective and of universal validity , in reality these ideas express and serve class interests .
14 These machines compete and evolve so that those which survive are those which have best adapted to their genes ' demand for replication and expansion .
15 These Regulations update and replace The Health and Safety ( Fees ) Regulations 1991 .
16 All these processes generate and use documentation .
17 These constraints limit and shape corporate power , but the discretion that lies within them , although variable , is nevertheless real .
18 Although there is a well developed theory of how these devices learn and solve problems , there is n't any very useful theory of how they represent their learned knowledge .
19 The first is excluded because possession by the chargee will render the asset unusable by the company as security in favour of another creditor ; the second because registration would destroy the negotiability of the instrument ; and the third because these interests arise and disappear quite quickly and registration would be simply too burdensome and provide little new information as those dealing with charterers would normally assume the existence of such charges .
20 These guys want and need our help , ’ he said .
21 ‘ The bottom line is these guys want and need our help .
22 Furthermore because these societies change and evolve it was natural that morals and laws should also change according to the social and economic system .
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