Example sentences of "these [noun] that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 They 're nice these houses that we 've said have n't we John ?
2 I am not talking primarily about myself , he wrote , for it will be obvious to anyone who reads these notes that you have used me simply as a stalking horse for some of your more outrageous views and .
3 ‘ It is at these times that you realize the blessings of a good thick skirt ’ , she reported after her rescue .
4 These images that you create can be a great source of healing and recharging .
5 The conferences were held actually , shall we say according to these guidelines that you have before you erm , and it was felt that the remit of these conferences has already and will in the future erm , increase democracy , accountability and the efficiency in decision making processes in our union .
6 That you do n't like these designs that I 've just shown you ? ’
7 There 's a long way to go because many of these companies that we 've mentioned are gon na fight fierce competition from Europe and we need to assist them .
8 Anyway do you think any of these companies that you 've
9 I know it was like that when we had it , well all these mugs that you get from the petrol station are all seconds any way
10 He wrote : ‘ But it is when we examine the zoology of these countries that we find what we most require — evidence of a very striking character that these great islands must once have formed a part of the continent , and could only have been separated at a very recent geological epoch .
11 Nevertheless , Hirsch responded that ( apart from a phrase which I have elided ) , ‘ There is not a single one of these platitudes that I do n't subscribe to wholeheartedly … ‘ .
12 Cooperative activity is central to effective community work and it is therefore to these matters that we turn in concluding this chapter .
13 Pound 's point , of course , in these essays reprinted from magazines and from earlier collections like Pavannes & Divisions ( 1918 ) or Instigations ( 1920 ) , is that these matters that we think of as recondite should not be so regarded .
14 It is in the light of these matters that I have to decide upon the appropriate evidence up upon the appropriate figure for pain , suffering and loss of amenity .
15 Well , I have been following this mailing list and have yet to post a message , but am sad to see that it is under these circumstances that I post my first …
16 Is there any major between the P S P and the er , the Mortgage Master which would , nor normally say to the client , well , I would recommend in these circumstances that you have the Mortgage Master , because it does .
17 More worryingly , what are the implications of tying manifestations of urban crisis to these places that we call inner cities , thus characterising a social problem as a spatial expression ?
18 There 's a public access down to the beach and I just turned round and took it and there 's these places that you rent you know ?
19 You , yourself , can select any one of these tracks that you wish to fly .
20 It is to these ideas that we turn first .
21 It should not be assumed from these statements that they do not move at all-they can be quite active at high tide by night but that they remain within the same general area of shore .
22 Fleeces are so versatile and functional these days that we tend to wear them everywhere .
23 So many people ply me with drinks in the D and F these days that I tend to remember them as I saw them , in a blur .
24 ‘ There 's a real danger in the field of design these days that you become known for a specific style , like a particular type of chair , for instance , and that is all that people will ever want you to do . ’
25 It is in the perception of these changes that we begin to understand the history of the landscape as a whole , the Iron Age village , the Roman estate , the Saxon trade , the medieval fields , the eighteenth-century agriculture and twentieth-century industrialisation .
26 It is to these questions that we turn in the next section .
27 It is in examining these questions that we need to separate out fact from speculation .
28 Right , so we 're to ignore all these things that we hear at the conference .
29 It is for the loss of these things that we weep and it is in the weeping that we clear the path for renewal of our hope and trust in life itself , rather than in individual and fragile dreams .
30 he said he 's gon na get that van and go up Wickes 's and get all these things that we need .
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