Example sentences of "these [noun] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Every nurse needs to develop psychological and social skills as well as manual skills in order to maintain an effective nurse/patient relationship while the patient requires it ; and these skills are also required to relinquish the relationship when appropriate .
2 These skills are further illuminated by the general requirements stated at the beginning of the Key Stage orders in the National Curriculum folder .
3 These skills are further encouraged and developed in a workshop environment .
4 These policies are constantly reviewed , communicated to all employees and form a firm foundation for our worldwide operations .
5 All these policies were enthusiastically adopted in the fellowship atmosphere of the conventions ; the problem remained of persuasion and enforcement outside .
6 These pairs are alphabetically listed and linked to the name of any author who used them in the title of the article that he wrote .
7 Several pairs of quasars have been detected which have virtually identical red shifts and are separated by small angular intervals : these pairs are now interpreted as twin images of a single quasar .
8 After 1898 the latter two of these castes were also excluded , a fact which led to protests from élite Salagamas when it became generally known .
9 These objects are then disaggregated to produce an analysis over divisions of service .
10 These objects are actually made of brass , but are believed to have been used for the weighing of gold dust ( fig. 9.4 ) .
11 The excavator suggests that No. 11 and its successor , No. 12 , was a hostel for visitors , that adjacent ( No. 10 ) , was a shop for selling votive objects and that No. 26 in a small compound was a workshop , where these objects were probably made .
12 These objects were often used to exemplify the competing images of the Romantic and nobel primitive and the cannibalistic barbarian as suited the arguments or interests of the time .
13 Each of these disciplines is currently represented in our postgraduate body and applications are invited from graduates of these disciplines as well as of Chemical Engineering .
14 Today , these taxes are still levied by many Third World governments because they are straightforward to collect and hard to evade .
15 We propose that the characteristics of these adjectives are accurately reflected by the intensional pattern :
16 These monopolies are jealously guarded : the Law Society has prosecuted unqualified individuals for performing services which are defined as a legal monopoly of the law profession .
17 However , all of these cases are obstetrically assessed by a Consultant Obstetrician , whether in Canada , or Downpatrick , so as to minimise the potential dangers of transfer .
18 The result of these cases was greatly to limit the right to picket .
19 In my opinion both these cases were wrongly decided .
20 Amongst the deer , these patterns are well defined .
21 These patterns are particularly marked in the humanities and social sciences , where women are numerically stronger .
22 However , the experiential nature of police training usually ensures that a commonsense knowledge about these patterns is also built up .
23 These frequencies are then normalised to correct for any bias towards tags that occur very frequently ( e.g. singular nouns ) over rare tags ( e.g. pre-qualifiers ) .
24 The rewriting of all but a very few of these definitions was deliberately excluded from the programme of the Supplement , as it would have been both impracticable and prohibitively expensive .
25 I say this because these bods are completely enraptured by N-JOI to the point of becoming mere vessels for affirmative emotions .
26 In some cases ( for example connectin ) , these molecules are initially expressed ubiquitously on the muscle and only become localized to NMJ sites during and following neuromuscular contact .
27 These molecules are then picked up by receptor proteins on the surface of the second cell .
28 The veteran astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle , with his colleague Chandra Wickramasinghe , believes that these molecules were probably brought to the surface of the Earth via the tiny dust grains on meteorites and comets , or on interstellar winds , and succeeded in germinating life in the fertile conditions of Earth at the time .
29 These strategies are now incorporated into weapons design in the form of ‘ logic bombs ’ — computer viruses built into weapons systems sold for export , which are programmed to go off when targeted on the system 's country of origin .
30 In practice , these strategies are often pursued in tandem .
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