Example sentences of "just as she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A Ferrari , just as she 'd imagined .
2 He could see the end coming , and it was just as she 'd said ; the friends he 'd made and lost , and the women that he wished he 'd known better .
3 But it was just as she 'd expected .
4 The telephone had rung just as she 'd finished washing her hair , so it had dried all wild and was now held back with an orange-and-shocking-pink striped scarf , off which Ethel had chewed one of the corners .
5 She 'd felt drawn to her , just as she 'd found herself drawn to all Roman 's family , including Salvo and his wife Sofia , and their tiny new baby , snuggled sleepily in its carry-cot , blissfully oblivious to the world around it .
6 And yet she had felt something , some quick negative flicker at his casual reference to the promise he had made Emily , just as she had felt that uneasy dart inside her when she had caught sight of them earlier , coming up the path together .
7 At the back of her mind , Miranda heard the ghostly voice of Buzz say , ‘ Any Latin lover can say ‘ I love you ’ , but she pushed the thought away , just as she had pushed away other silly possibilities .
8 She ran quickly round to the front of the house , just as she had planned .
9 Mrs Frizzell hastily drew in her stomach , tucked in her tail , and posed with her rake , just as she had seen the Hudson 's Bay Company model do when showing pants .
10 And where Antoinette laid down guidelines — just as she had done when she advised her own daughter on Scottish affairs when Mary of Guise first went to Scotland — her son , the cardinal , filled in the details .
11 She played with her lace handkerchief , just as she had done at Greenway Gardens .
12 He must have grown up now just as she had done .
13 She was not laughing ten minutes later when , just as she had sent Jimmy on an errand , the phone rang and she answered it .
14 The sounds were plaintive , resonant , doom-laden as those of a passing-bell , and she recognized even then — though she could not have found words to express it — that it would turn out thus , just as she had said .
15 Just as she had said , the porter 's wife opened up the main door and the inner gate from her room and then poked her head out .
16 " Do n't let the bugs bite " She said the words without thinking , just as she had said them almost every night of her life .
17 They were talking rationally now , as adults , just as she had asked , but underneath the façade of civilised behaviour her heart was still doing funny things , and the electricity between them was as powerful as if they had been making love .
18 She had grown used to the tiny sounds that were so much a part of Seawitch , just as she had grown used to the boat 's continually changing motion .
19 But then , just as she had decided to abandon the attempt and risk Anne 's annoyance , he answered , repeating the number in a cool , clear , frighteningly strong voice .
20 My mother had taught me that , just as she had taught me to change my underclothes daily and not blow my nose in public .
21 Just as she had imagined that concerned endearment after the fight on the riverbank .
22 Just as she had predicted , Matthew had become a fine young man , tall and strong , and markedly handsome , with his wayward mop of brown hair and those dark violet eyes that still held a world of bitterness whenever they looked on her .
23 But then , she might somehow get the drawing right , just as she had dreamed of playing the clarinet exquisitely enough for an important conductor , conveniently marooned in a snow drift , brought half-dead to Castle Bewick and hearing those magical notes drifting from her tower , to stagger from his couch and say , ‘ Ah what notes of fairyland do I hear ? ’
24 It was just as she had dreamed in her dreams it would be — a blissful sensation that shot down to her toes and sent her blood , like fiery rapids , exploding through her veins .
25 Glancing at the table , she saw that the girl had done everything just as she had shown her … the big brown teapot had pride of place in the centre of the table , with the pretty rose-patterned milk jug and sugar bowl beside it .
26 Just as she had expected , there were lights still ablaze as they drew up before the house .
27 The phone rang just as she had climbed into the bath .
28 Stella was afraid Babs might tell Dotty that she did n't wear a slip and that Dotty would rush out and buy her one , just as she had bought her a brassière after catching her in the wardrobe with her arms above her head about to be fitted for her Ptolemy costume .
29 Theda , her voice low to steady it , began to move forward , poking at Mrs Quatt as she was driven , just as she had driven Theda on a previous occasion , backwards , step by step , towards the front door .
30 Mother Francis had nurtured them behind the scenes , just as she had taken cuttings from the various bushes and plants in the convent garden and made a garden around the stony waste ground , the ugly edge of the cliff where Jack Malone had ended his life .
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