Example sentences of "just as he [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just as he finished dealing with that , another two containers arrived … .
2 The wedding-dress was in the faded green trunk , just as he 'd imagined it in the night .
3 Just as he 'd gone out of his way to bait Lotta by kissing her , Gina , so passionately !
4 She was stuck here , it seemed , for good or bad , until Monday , just as he 'd said .
5 He did n't always win , and occasionally he came a cropper — just as he 'd done at Masons ' gates a few days before .
6 Pouring the wine , just as he 'd done for Marianne Novaks .
7 She was looking about her , her eyes taking in everything , just as he 'd taught her .
8 She watched him undress just as he 'd watched .
9 He declined to acknowledge my ideas sufficiently , just as he declined to acknowledge my feelings sufficiently .
10 But he was aware of Ken 's sexual problems , just as he had confessed then in those letters to Val Orford and Annette Kerr .
11 died on the evening of February 14th , just as he had completed an act for a private party .
12 Just as he had made an example of earlier insubordinates , such as Hedilla , Varela , Galarza and Yagüe , now the monarchist Kindelán , who had been a stone in Franco 's shoe since 1936 , was arrested and exiled to the Canary Islands .
13 Her home was on the other side of Belsize Square , and he would often drop in at night to tell her about his latest ideas , just as he had done earlier with Dulcie Howes and was to continue doing with one friend or another all his life .
14 Characteristically , however , Chapman was to learn from the defeat , just as he had done twenty years before after Northampton 's defeat by Norwich .
15 Each member of the family had his or her picture taken at least once : there , recorded for posterity , is father Benjamin , leaning back comfortably in a chair just as he had done when sitting for Mr. Adkin all those years before , still wearing his favourite ring on the little finger of his right hand .
16 Like a drowning man he snatched at anything , just as he had done in London .
17 Her father rocked her in his arms , just as he had done when she was little , and when her mother came in with a cup of hot milk and one of her soothing tablets , she swallowed it obediently , a child again .
18 He would baffle and intrigue her , just as he had done Cassie on their first meeting ; and Cassie could think of no way in which she could explain him away .
19 Just as he had done on over 100 occasions during the previous three years , the seller sold some animal food to the buyer .
20 With an unconscious sigh of her own , she touched her fingers to her cheek , just as he had done .
21 It is just as he had imagined — crisp , sweet , and juicy .
22 He grinned , giving her a full dose of his masculine charm , and she kissed him , lingeringly , just as he had kissed her .
23 For just as he had begun to survey the picture from a wholly different angle , just as he thought he espied a gap in the clouds that hitherto had masked the shafts of sunlight the switchboard-operator dashed any hope of such a breakthrough with the simple statement that she 'd known Theodore Kemp very well indeed .
24 He was keeping to the awnings , and a passing squall , just as he had foreseen on his departure from Dolmetta that morning , approached from the interior and sailed grandly overhead , steeping the baked stones of the port in a blissful freshness for an interval ; the snails would be coming out , he thought .
25 Only her father had done that and he had obviously welcomed Alain Lemarchand just as he had rejected her .
26 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
27 In a way , he was glad when the doorbell rang commandingly just as he had got the eggs in the pan .
28 Just as he had had the nerve to try to pick up the casting director at his first audition , so he had the taste and — in sociological terms — the cheek to seek out the stylish and lovely Nina Bawden , later the novelist .
29 Hurt him badly , just as he had hurt her .
30 And when the grandson left school , ‘ I worked in my grandfather 's boat just as he had worked in his grandfather 's …
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