Example sentences of "just as [pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The big one dropped just as they began to relax .
2 Unfortunately , just as they began to beat their hasty retreat , the bell for the start of school rang .
3 Our archers caught the bastards just as they began to climb the scaling ladders , whilst men-at-arms , using the long forked poles lying on the parapet walk , shoved them out of the way .
4 She forced it up and down , just as they seemed to do in the movies .
5 We try to pretend that sex is n't so important , that we are just like everyone else , just as we sought to distance ourselves from books like The Milkman 's On His Way during the Section 28 debates .
6 They could forgive this young man , just as we had to forgive the man who failed to secure his trailer , or they could allow bitterness to completely neutralise everything God was doing in their lives .
7 The RENFE train station must be a long way from the centre , I thought , just as we began to enter the acid neon groves of the darkening city , through a narrow glade of brightly lit shops , the Corrielo , then through a vast archway — a policeman 's shrill whistle — and the bus was rolling and swinging right into the grand Plaza Mayor , which it circled slowly , triumphantly hooting .
8 Just as you loved to push the piled live hedge-boughs —
9 It had to go south of the Slieve Bloom mountains , on the southern rim of the central depression , just as it had to go north of the Ballyhoura mountains , seventy miles farther to the southwest .
10 Just as it began to break we burst through to the other side and we were safe into smoother water .
11 But Hitler 's prophecy , highly significant though it appears in retrospect , was at the time probably taken much for granted by most ‘ ordinary ’ Germans in the context of the ever more overtly radical anti-Jewish policy of the regime — a ‘ prophecy ’ so commonplace in its sentiments that it scarcely prompted the need for exultant expressions of praise , just as it failed to stir up any animosity or repulsion .
12 The bourgeoisie as a class found enormous difficulty in combining getting and spending in a morally satisfactory manner , just as it failed to solve the equivalent material problem , how to secure a succession of equally dynamic and capable businessmen within the same family , a fact which increased the role of daughters , who could introduce new blood into the business complex .
13 I picked up Eddie just as it started to rain again , and we chatted all the way back to Simon 's office while she dressed herself in street clothes from a Sainsbury 's shopping-bag .
14 Then , just as I began to fall ,
15 So just as I began to read to see , so too I began to write to see .
16 Meanwhile , I was struggling to unfasten myself , but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes , I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand , and more arrows on my face and body .
17 He declined to acknowledge my ideas sufficiently , just as he declined to acknowledge my feelings sufficiently .
18 Just as he began to hoist her upwards , she turned on him and snapped , ‘ Leave me alone !
19 Just as he began to fear that he was running for his life through a nightmare landscape that had no end , the ground suddenly opened to reveal the rushing waters of the beck and the section of crumbling stone wall on its other side .
20 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
21 She wanted to forget all about this man beside her , just as he seemed to have forgotten about her .
22 He would of course be equally or more aware of a nagging toothache , but there is the further difference that while he would shrink from awareness of the pain , in this case he wants to sustain and enhance the awareness just as he wanted to come to Regent 's Park in the first place , and can be judged to want it by the same kind of tests , for example his reluctance to be dragged away from the cage .
23 Just as he wanted to assert Romanian sovereignty , Ceauşescu found his economy increasingly inter-twined with Gorbachev 's .
24 He always required an underlying form from which he could then depart , just as he tended to use a literary " model " from which he could derive a manner and a tone .
25 Just as he started to feel that he could not endure it any longer , that he would have to struggle , Doyle 's fingers relaxed slightly .
26 She stared at him speechlessly , hardly daring to believe the hidden meaning behind his words , then , just as she managed to find her voice , there was a knock at the door .
27 Just as she had to accept that , for her , it would never be enough .
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