Example sentences of "just as [pers pn] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
2 The mouth of the river seemed ten times its normal width , while about half a mile out to sea hundreds of trees stood upright , supported by their enormous roots , just as they had been carried down in the flood .
3 You found the dead embedded in the walls of the trenches , heads , legs and half-bodies , just as they had been shovelled out of the way by the picks and shovels of the working party .
4 Certainly Terry , Brian and I knew that close friends had been campaigning for us and that that experience could have changed them , just as we 'd been changed by what we had gone through .
5 It was in darkness , just as it had been when they had been there earlier that evening .
6 It was all there , just as it had been the previous night : the exhilaration , the mounting excitement , the warm , wonderful sensation of not being isolated and lonely .
7 A shiver ran through Theda 's body — the frame that was near a shadow of itself , just as it had been that long-gone day in March .
8 Everything had to be maintained just as it had been — for the day when Isabelle returned to Les Hiboux .
9 Linigan 's goal later left the forlorn Chris Waddle and his Wednesday mates in tears as Wembley became a sea of red-and-white just as it had been after the same Coca-Cola Cup scoreline a month earlier .
10 It was as if she was n't married ; just as it had been before , going to bed in her pink and white room , setting off for the ‘ Craft Basket ’ at half-past eight in the morning , just as she used to set off for school , home by five thirty , tea , telly , and some needlework to keep herself occupied .
11 Nigeria thus became an administered rather than a political society , just as it had been under colonialism .
12 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
13 And just as it has been designed to satisfy their requirements ( not always necessarily with equal success ) , they come to find themselves serving its interests .
14 Just as it has been possible to insert beneficial genes into crop plants , there is scope for eliminating , replacing or masking certain genes which have a deleterious effect on crop production .
15 go just as it has been your faith
16 Just as I had been told repeatedly that I was destined to ‘ do well ’ , so then I was being told that I was destined to be ‘ stout ’ .
17 You know I 've had it happen the lights have changed just as I 've been crossing them so I 've gone over and three cars immediately behind me have followed me .
18 But I have read and enjoyed ‘ pornography ’ , just as I have been aroused by the pictorial depiction of sex — and I refuse to feel guilty for it .
19 He kept moving all the time , on his toes with his weight perfectly balanced , just as he 'd been taught , down at the gymnasium , every Saturday and every Wednesday for the past five years , times when everyone thought he was busy doing something else .
20 Just as he had been wont to do as a boy , so this morning after waking , he had lain and thought of the day ahead and what he had to do in it , and he was aware that life had taken on a tinge of colour .
21 Sherek recalled how nervous and agitated he seemed at the first reading with the actors — just as he had been when he had first shown the play to Sherek .
22 Just as he had been rich enough to build The Towers … .
23 He was a mainstay of City government in the crisis caused by plague in 1593 , when he was in his seventies , just as he had been thirty years before , in the devastating epidemic of 1563 .
24 By getting out of the bargain books field now , he believed he might well be ‘ ahead of the game ’ , just as he had been when he set up the company .
25 She was going to be left in the care of a woman she did n't know , just as she 'd been left with them before .
26 She found another bathroom , which was important , because the champagne was acting on her stomach just as she 'd been afraid it would .
27 She had scarcely seen the Mercedes that had swung into the drive just as she 'd been about to go out , but by sheer instinct she had swerved to miss it , sparing only a glance in the mirror to tell her the other car was safe before speeding on her way again .
28 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
29 She was nervous before stepping onto the set of Delinquents , just as she had been all those years ago when she did the rehearsals for The Henderson Kids .
30 The potty training restarted and then after 6 months she was re-established on cows milk starting with plain yogurt ( just as she had been during weaning . ) ’
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