Example sentences of "just have [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You women are all the same — a man just has to turn the corner of the street and the next thing , they 're all eyes and lips and tongue and sucking me ’ — he tripped , changed ‘ sucking him towards them .
2 To survive the PROFITBOSS just has to beat the competition .
3 He would just have to take the rope and chair together .
4 If she wanted to get home before dawn she would just have to take the plunge .
5 I 'll just have to leave the country quickly
6 If — and it was a megalithic if , but I supposed we should consider every possible option now we were at it — if , in some weird way the Ghost and her voice really did exist , then as soon as she 'd got over her disappointment , she would have to admit she 'd been defeated fair and square , and would just have to honour the deal and flit off back to heaven or wherever it was she lived now .
7 She would just have to ask the landlord for time to pay .
8 It would just have confused the issue . ’
9 We 'll just have to make the catapult in two parts so it can be reassembled outside . ’
10 Well we 'll just have to get the music and
11 ‘ He may just have meant the girl , ’ pointed out Lane .
12 But , instead of being able to sit back and enjoy this baby , she has also to look after the other children who may only just have left the baby stage themselves .
13 to go back , because to do this to get to this stage and find we 're not getting our audiences then , if that 's the answer we 'll just have to find the solution .
14 I 'll just have to find the box .
15 In fact I happened just to have spent the weekend with a dear friend and was well aware that at some point over the two days she had entertained everyone suspected of being concerned , and not a word of politics was discussed , nor a syllable about supplanting anybody .
16 all mothers are sacred but I just had to put the boot in on her , I 'm afraid , I said stuff !
17 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
18 So many of that team got well over 10 years service that they just had to join the queue .
19 ‘ I just had to turn the telly over .
20 and the skin you just had to press the skin and , and the oh it was all , you know you could just
21 Was there ever any time when you just had to accept the fact that the hay would have to be carried in wet ?
22 Well , after Marks advert for Clubcall I decided I just had to hijack the fax machines telephone line and call it up .
23 ‘ You can not expect to be in the national squad unless you can prove that you are good enough , so I just have to continue the learning process , equip myself fully for the task , get a bit fitter and that , hopefully , will be at least half the battle ’ .
24 ‘ Well , the Thing says we do n't have to get on it , we just have to put the Thing on it . ’
25 Just have to finish the card , now how does she know who 's it to ?
26 You just have to have the wit , imagination and guts to go out and find it .
27 you know it 's not as if we 've got vast amounts of extra luggage if you go on holiday and if so you just have to have the roof rack on .
28 That 's the thing that so easy with electric cookers is that you just have to buy the element .
29 So I 've got to contact conference office , continue chasing up these people about various student things , that we have we now tapes of we just have to get the consent forms for .
30 The market is there ; you just have to find the way to get to it . ’
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